
demure [dɪˈmjʊə(r)]  [dɪˈmjʊr] 

demure 基本解释

形容词娴静的; 庄重的; 谦恭的; (女子)怕羞的

demure 相关例句


1. She gave him a demure smile.

demure 网络解释

1. 佯作端庄,端庄的:demote 降级 | demure 佯作端庄,端庄的 | denominate 命名

2. 端庄的:demur 迢异议 | demure 端庄的 | demurely 装成端庄地

3. 装成端庄的:demur 提出异议 | demure 装成端庄的 | demure 装得严肃的

4. 装得严肃的:demure 装成端庄的 | demure 装得严肃的 | demuredoucesaddserious-mindedseriousmindedstaid 认真的

demure 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (通常指年轻女子)羞涩的,娴静的
    If you describe someone, usually a young woman, as demure, you mean they are quiet and rather shy, usually in a way that you like and find appealing, and behave very correctly.

    e.g. She's very demure and sweet...
    e.g. The luscious Miss Wharton gave me a demure but knowing smile.

She smiled demurely.

2. demure的意思

2. (衣着等)端庄的,庄重的
    Demure clothes do not reveal your body and they give the impression that you are shy and behave correctly.

    e.g. ...a demure high-necked white blouse.

She was demurely dressed in a black woollen suit.
demure 单语例句

1. Carmen's a regular village girl, her normative lifestyle and demure nature compelling Wah into reconsidering his own questionable path.

2. Meeting her afterwards for an interview, her countenance is both friendly and demure.

3. Yuyun appeared to favor the new FDR Memorial, which was more demure.

4. The traditional virtues of a Chinese wife range from being demure in public to having multiple talents such as painting and music.

5. Even though what her character does in the opera is considered bold for her time, she still appears demure.

6. demure的近义词

6. Unlike the imperial gardens in Beijing, a private garden here is demure on the outside.

7. Demure Young Lady Number Two also insisted he take the seat, albeit in a rather more demure fashion.

8. demure

8. On the first day of filming, the demure Lam was soaked in water for more than 10 hours.

9. Many people worry that Pang's recent setbacks will make her even more demure.

demure 英英释义




1. affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way

    Synonym: coy overmodest
