conveyor belt

conveyor belt [kənˈveɪə belt]  [kənˈveɚ bɛlt] 


第三人称复数:conveyor belts

conveyor belt 基本解释


conveyor belt 网络解释

conveyor belt

1. 传送带:实际上也不是什么分配,只是从栈顶向 上用就行,就好像工厂中的传送带(conveyor belt)一样,Stack Pointer会自动指引你到放东西的位置,你所要做的只是把东西放下来就行.退出函数的时候,修改栈指针就可以把栈中的内容销毁.这样的模式速度最快,

2. 运轮带:Side Handle 侧手把 | Conveyor Belt 运轮带 | Snaps 纽扣/四合扣

3. 运输机带:conveyor band drier 履带式烘燥机 | conveyor belt 运输机带 | conveyor furnace 输送带式加热炉

4. 带式运输机胶带:conveyor band 带式运输机胶带 | conveyor belt 带式运输机胶带 | conveyor bridge 排矸桥

conveyor belt 词典解释

1. conveyor belt

1. 传送带;输送带
    A conveyor belt or a conveyor is a continuously moving strip of rubber or metal which is used in factories for moving objects along so that they can be dealt with as quickly as possible.

    e.g. The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry.

2. 千篇一律;不加区分
    If you describe a situation as a conveyor belt, you dislike it because it produces things or people which are all the same or always deals with things or people in the same way.

    e.g. They feel scared and powerless in conveyor-belt hospital wards.

conveyor belt 单语例句

1. He was ordered to bash it down with a broom handle, but his supervisor refused to stop the conveyor belt directly below.

2. conveyor belt

2. " This is the start of the conveyor belt, " he said.

3. Rescuers were within 55 yards of where two of the men had been working on a conveyor belt at the time of the blast.

4. A conveyor belt dumps iron ore into a pile at a transfer and storage center operated by the Shanghai International Port Group in Shanghai.

5. A worker takes samples of coal for quality tests from a conveyor belt at a coal depot in Shanghai.

6. The luggage was dumped on to a creaking conveyor belt mottled with stains.

conveyor belt 英英释义


1. a moving belt that transports objects (as in a factory)

    Synonym: conveyer belt conveyer conveyor transporter
