
transporter [trænˈspɔ:tə(r)]  [trænˈspɔ:rtə(r)] 


transporter 基本解释



transporter 网络解释

1. 运输者:运输者(Transporter) *运输者(Transporter) 存放收割者逮捕到的人类,然后将他们送到天网. *水蜘蛛终结者(Hydrobot) 除了陆地的各式终结者,在水中活动的水蜘蛛负责海洋河流湖泊等范围. 4英尺长,外型像巨蟒,它对水中的声音和震动很敏感,

2. 非常人贩:怒火攻心(Crank):杰森.斯坦森(<<非常人贩>>(Transporter)的主演),在80多分钟的影片中一直保持亢奋状态,因为一旦他的心跳减缓到一定程度,就会立即毒发身亡,唯一能延长体内毒药发作时间的办法,便是一直保持心律和肾上腺素的运动状态.

3. 载体:5-HT载体(transporter)位点在内侧面致密,腹面较不致密,背侧面和背外侧面最不致密. 死于自杀者发现一些脑区5-HT运载体结合减少(Arangr等,1995). 结合减少在腹前额叶皮质最明显,而在背前额叶皮质不能检出(Arango等,1995;Harclin等,

4. 转运蛋白:又称为偶联磷酸化.底物水平磷酸化 (substrate level phosphorylation) 是底物分子内部能量重新分布,生成高能键,使ADP磷酸化生成ATP的过程.线粒体外膜通透性高,线粒体对物质通过的选择性主要依赖于内膜中不同转运蛋白(transporter)对各种物质的转运.

transporter 词典解释

1. (大型或重型)运输车辆,运输机
    A transporter is a large vehicle or an aeroplane that is used for carrying very large or heavy objects, for example cars.

transporter 单语例句

1. A twin cable which provides power, data and video to the mobile transporter was inadvertently cut in December.

2. transporter

2. The transporter moves along the space station exterior and is used for constructing the complex.

3. The transporter was backed up to level ground so workers could determine if there was a problem with the gauges.

4. " Put it in the transporter, " the luscious but untouchable image intoned.

5. One of their chores involves taking steps to protect an important cable connected to a transporter that moves a platform holding the station's robotic arm.

6. Sellers and Fossum will replace part of the transporter's umbilical reel, which weighs about 330 pounds on the ground.

7. Besides the nouveau matchmaking role, the subway plays its role of transporter very well.

transporter 英英释义



1. a moving belt that transports objects (as in a factory)

    Synonym: conveyer belt conveyor belt conveyer conveyor

2. transporter

2. a crane for moving material with dispatch as in loading and unloading ships

3. a long truck for carrying motor vehicles

    Synonym: car transporter
