
competitor [kəmˈpetɪtə(r)]  [kəmˈpɛtɪtɚ] 


competitor 基本解释

名词竞争者; 对手

competitor 相关例句



1. The two friends were competitors for the class presidency.

competitor 网络解释

1. 竞争对手:mer) 竞争对手(Competitor) 企业本身(Company) 战略思考与战略规划 战略规划的整体架构 使命理念愿景目标战略的关系 总体战略/事业战略 战略规划的方式与实务操作三 战略分析技巧 环境因素分析 产业分析 顾客分析 竞争对手分析 公司能力分析 产品组合分析 市场组合分析 强势与弱势汇总 SWOT整合分析五 战略方案研議 战略形态

2. 对手:西方的市场营销学学者在九十年代初即提出,企业要从顾客导向转变为市场导向,必须平衡地从顾客(Cus tomer)、竞争对手(Competitor)及企业(Company)的角度考虑和分析市场营销活动及相关的决策与管理问题,此即3C's模式.

competitor 词典解释

1. 竞争者;对手
    A company's competitors are companies who are trying to sell similar goods or services to the same people.

    e.g. The bank isn't performing as well as some of its competitors.

2. 选手;参赛者
    A competitor is a person who takes part in a competition or contest.

    e.g. Herbert Blocker of Germany, one of the oldest competitors, won the individual silver medal.

competitor 单语例句

1. No organization worth its salt likes to see its business partner gain intellectual property, and later pose a big threat as a competitor.

2. Instead of aiming at his target, he fired at another competitor's target by mistake.

3. competitor

3. The casually dressed Bieber said modestly that he had voted for competitor Kanye West and thanked his fans and family for his first award.

4. competitor

4. Having a larger catalogue than that of its competitor means Dangdang offers greater choices and better discounts to consumers.

5. It had come close to being snatched up by Google just four years prior, but the search giant instead went with competitor Neven Vision.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. No 2 electronics retailer Suning Appliance Co Ltd is seeking more market share, while US competitor BestBuy set up stores in Shanghai last year.

7. " I'm a fighter and a big competitor, " Sharapova said.

8. He suspected some competitor may have tampered with the crabs to defame the brand or the problem hairy crabs were fake Yangcheng Lake crabs.

9. BEIJING - A highly publicized incident about milk products that caused baby girls to develop breasts may have been a smear campaign by a competitor.

10. Lee's two main rivals both conceded defeat after partial results showed him winning nearly double the votes of his closest competitor.

competitor 英英释义


1. the contestant you hope to defeat

    e.g. he had respect for his rivals
           he wanted to know what the competition was doing

    Synonym: rival challenger competition contender
