
contender [kənˈtendə(r)]  [kənˈtɛndɚ] 


contender 基本解释


名词(冠军)争夺者,竞争者; 打孔装置; 钻机

contender 网络解释


1. 竞争者:度有望获胜的竞争者(Contender)在德国、埃及等地出售中华轿车www.brillianceauto.com海尔(Haier)迎合本地化品位全球竞争中的曾轶可新专辑多少钱严肃玩家(Serious Player)上述报道提及海尔的微型冰箱在美国大学生宿舍中广受欢迎吉利汽车(Geely)在本土市场建立新形象有望获胜的竞争者(Contender)汽车被出口至非洲、中东、东欧

2. (政界风云,又名:竞争者):153) Contact (接触未来) | 154) Contender (政界风云,又名:竞争者) | 155) Conversation, The (窃听大阴谋)

3. 争夺者,竞争者:containerization 集装箱运输 | contender争夺者,竞争者 | Continental plan 欧洲大陆式酒店服务

4. 斗争者:contend 斗争 | contender 斗争者 | content 内容

contender 词典解释

1. 竞争者;争夺者
    A contender is someone who takes part in a competition.

    e.g. Her trainer said yesterday that she would be a strong contender for a place in Britain's Olympic squad...
    e.g. Our British Affairs correspondent reports on how the three contenders reacted to the news of the resignation.

contender 单语例句

1. contender的近义词

1. Lewis Hamilton celebrated a Formula One record and transformed himself into a championship contender just three races into his grand prix career on Sunday.

2. But the other title contender Renault's champion Fernando Alonso chose to skip - normal procedure with engines having to last two races.

3. Although Kate Moss came in at number 4 with $ 5 million, she has to be a serious contender to climb up the list.

4. contender的反义词

4. Xie is also a gold medal contender in the women's singles.

5. contender的翻译

5. Obama's emergence as a potential contender has led some observers to suspect Clinton has stepped up her timetable for making a decision about a run.

6. Johnson looked flabby but came into Saturday's fight with only one loss to John Ruiz and was widely considered a top 10 heavyweight contender.

7. contender的解释

7. In difficult conditions the German was a serious contender for a podium place and most were disappointed for him that he eventually finished only fourth.

8. Santorum vaulted from the back of the pack to emerge as the latest conservative contender in a Republican race that has been marked by volatility.

9. contender的翻译

9. Her party is a top contender in the upcoming March parliamentary elections, which Tymoshenko hopes will enable her to regain her job as prime minister.

10. Jones'performance as a Vietnam veteran whose son is murdered by fellow soldiers after returning from Iraq is already seen as an early Oscar contender.

contender 英英释义


1. the contestant you hope to defeat

    e.g. he had respect for his rivals
           he wanted to know what the competition was doing

    Synonym: rival challenger competitor competition
