1. 试运行:这种模块可直接插入该公司的模块化网络测试系统,以提供用来实现WDM光信号特征化的全套诊断测试,包括分析、数据采集和文档编制. 该模块可工作于C、L和S波段,并备有一种用于DWDM故障隔离和试运行(commissioning)的实时模式
2. 投产:管线置换投产(commissioning)是什么样个过程?管线置换投产(commissioning)是什么样个过程?请教高手:管线置换投产(commissioning)是什么样个过程??
3. 调试:由于缺少系统调试(Commissioning)这个重要环节,因此如果不采取任何控制手段而仅将空调水系统的水泵加变频,其结果会使原来就不平衡的系统运行状况变得更糟.
1. The commissioning of the project in Stage I and II is just the beginning.
2. This is already happening, especially with many provincial orchestras playing and commissioning music works that use local cultural themes.
3. Wang says the festival will continue working with some of the young artists, commissioning new works from them and recommending them to other festivals.
4. The Ministry of Environmental Protection can play a vital role here by commissioning the production of incineration equipment by using the new and friendlier technology.
5. danci.911cha.com
5. Other reasons for commissioning a thangka painting may be to bring about good health, prosperity or long life.
6. BOCOG has been commissioning songs for the Olympic Games since 2003 and has designated MCSC to manage copyright issues.
7. Zhu said the terminal is now 80 percent complete and has entered the final commissioning phase.
8. Bushehr nuclear power plant needs a total of 82 tons of fuel for its primary stage of commissioning.
9. The commissioning of the Liaoning has aroused so much attention and wild speculation because of the outdated " China threat " theory.
10. They are also in charge of the commissioning test, quality examination and maintenance of the wind turbine on site.
1. the act of granting authority to undertake certain functions
Synonym: commission