
commissioned [kə'mɪʃnd]  [kə'mɪʃənd] 






commissioned 基本解释


commissioned 网络解释


1. 启用:Commission行纪人 | commissioned启用 | commissioningapplicationforms启用申请表格

2. 委任:commission 委任 | commissioned 委任 | compression algorithm 压缩算法

3. 现役的:commissionaire /门警/看门者/ | commissioned /现役的/ | commissioning /交付使用/

commissioned 单语例句

1. China Real Estate Credit Fund has commissioned the China Real Estate Index Research Institute to undertake nationwide research on business credibility in real estate enterprises.

2. Article 9 When patent agencies accept consignments and handle business, they shall have a consignor's letter of commitment clearly stating commissioned items and powers.

3. The Gongs piece was commissioned by the Hague Percussion Group a few years ago and has been performed in many festivals throughout the world.

4. Anshan city government commissioned the carving which took a team of 120 sculptures 18 months to complete.

5. To try to dispel these and other rumors, the government commissioned a pop star to compose a catchy tune about the census.

6. commissioned的解释

6. In 2000, the Guangdong Modern Dance Company commissioned him to choreograph a piece for its Europe tour.

7. Conducted by the University of Hong Kong and commissioned by ATV in December, the survey said 23 percent of 514 interviewees chose not to watch digital terrestrial TV.

8. commissioned的近义词

8. She never wavered in the conviction that God in Jesus Christ directly commissioned her ministry.

9. It later became part of the collection of Florence's powerful Medici family, who commissioned several interventions aimed primarily at covering traces of the fissures.

10. The warning was issued by a " specially commissioned commentator ", a sourcing that suggests the editorial was on behalf of national leaders.

commissioned 英英释义



1. given official approval to act

    e.g. an accredited college
           commissioned broker
           licensed pharmacist
           authorized representative

    Synonym: accredited licensed licenced

2. (of military officers) holding by virtue of a commission a rank of second lieutenant or ensign or above
