come upon

come upon [kʌm əˈpɔn]  [kʌm əˈpɑn] 

come upon 基本解释

动词突然产生; 要求; 成为…负担; 偶遇

come upon 相关例句

come upon的翻译


1. I came upon an old friend of mine in the library yesterday.

2. My parents have never come upon us for anything.

3. At this moment a strange idea came upon him.

4. A leaf came upon her book as she was reading.

5. I will try to avoid coming upon my children in my old age.

come upon 网络解释

1. 遇到:come under heavy criticism遭到严厉的批评 | come upon 遇到 | communicative competence交际能力

2. 突然袭击:come up with产生;找到 | come upon 突然袭击 | comedyn.喜剧;一出喜剧,喜剧性事件

3. 突然产生:come upon 突临 | come upon 突然产生 | come what may 不论怎样

4. 突临:come upon the stage 进入社会 | come upon 突临 | come upon 突然产生

come upon 词典解释
come upon

1. 偶然碰到(或发现)
    If you come upon someone or something, you meet them or find them by chance.

    e.g. I came upon an irresistible item at a yard sale.

2. 产生(某种态度或感觉)
    If an attitude or feeling comes upon you, it begins to affect you.

    e.g. A sense of impending doom came upon all of us.

come upon 单语例句

1. If you come upon a business report about Beijing's real estate market, how do you interpret its " vacancy rate "?

2. Once you come upon the restaurant you cannot help but wander in.


3. The president called upon the youth of Pakistan and China to come forward and play a leading role in promoting friendship between the two countries.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. After doing routine morning exercise for decades, we've come upon a time to make some changes.

5. Continuing on to Wyndham, tourists come upon the turnoff to Kalumburu.

6. He recalled that a storm had come upon his ship during his first trip into the South China Sea.

7. If you walk further to the side lawn, you'll come upon phalanxes of miniature sculptures.

8. " He had to come in entirely depending upon the difference of himself and Nixon, " Jones said Wednesday.

9. Only 5 percent of the roughly 9 million containers that come to the United States are examined upon arrival.

10. Many locals are still waiting for the expert team called upon by the government to come out and address their concerns.

come upon 英英释义

come upon


1. come upon在线翻译

1. take possession of

    e.g. She entered upon the estate of her rich relatives

    Synonym: enter upon luck into

2. come upon的近义词

2. find unexpectedly

    e.g. the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb
           she struck a goldmine
           The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake

    Synonym: fall upon strike light upon chance upon come across chance on happen upon attain discover
