
attain [əˈteɪn]  [əˈten] 







attain 基本解释


及物/不及物动词达到,获得; 遂愿; 经过努力到达某事物

及物动词获得; 到达; 达到,实现

不及物动词达到; 获得; 到达

attain 相关例句



1. They are not likely to attain this aim.


1. He will soon attain to manhood.

2. She tried in vain to attain to fame.

attain 网络解释

1. 获得:因此,每个专业获得(attain)同等数量的学生不可能. 例子:当今社会尽管妇女地位提神很快,她们仍然扮演和不同的社会角色男人仍然是breadwinner,男人必须在各个领域足够好才能支持家庭. 相比之下,女性更愿意学习一些less competitive and more interesting的东西.

2. 达到:在肥沃的(fertile)土地上有一片丛林(jungle),树下的小河被大风(gale)吹成了冰河(glacier)他的本能(instinct)有助于(avail)他达到(attain)无敌的(invincible)地步.

3. 得到:attach 系,附加 | attain 得到 | attaint 污辱,羞辱

4. 达到, 获得 <单词词性>达到:foreign product 国外产品, 进口品 | attain 达到, 获得 <单词词性>达到 | bottom brace (轴箱)下拉条

attain 词典解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. (通常指经过努力)获得,达到
    If you attain something, you gain it or achieve it, often after a lot of effort.

    e.g. Jim is halfway to attaining his pilot's licence.

2. attain的反义词

2. 达到,进入,实现(某种状态或情况)
    If you attain a particular state or condition, you may reach it as a result of natural development or work hard to attain this state.

    e.g. ...attaining a state of calmness and confidence.

attain 单语例句

1. All localities and departments must proceed from their actual conditions and take effective measures to attain the objectives.

2. attain

2. To attain sustainable use of energy resources and sustainable economic and social development, it must take the path of conserving energy.

3. The EV can attain a minimum driving distance of 150 km on one full charge.

4. Zhou Chu worried he was old and even if he changed, he would not attain any achievements.

5. attain

5. They must never be permitted to attain their goal of spreading violence and destruction.

6. The nature of the incident is not to seek peace but to attain the political goal of " Tibet independence ".

7. I think there is no doubt that we shall attain the goal we have set for the end of the century.

8. attain的反义词

8. Every country should simply strive to attain a good comfort of living, without worrying about superpower status really.

9. attain的反义词

9. Pleasing local officials is a good way for hospitals to attain benefits, such as government input and expansion permission.

10. It just fails to attain the greatness this filmmaker and this subject deserve.

attain 英英释义



1. reach a point in time, or a certain state or level

    e.g. The thermometer hit 100 degrees
           This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour

    Synonym: reach hit

2. reach a destination, either real or abstract

    e.g. We hit Detroit by noon
           The water reached the doorstep
           We barely made it to the finish line
           I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts

    Synonym: reach make hit arrive at gain

3. find unexpectedly

    e.g. the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb
           she struck a goldmine
           The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake

    Synonym: fall upon strike come upon light upon chance upon come across chance on happen upon discover


4. to gain with effort

    e.g. she achieved her goal despite setbacks

    Synonym: achieve accomplish reach
