
canaries [kə'neərɪs]  [kə'neərɪs] 


canaries 基本解释
特高频噪声;<动>金丝雀( canary的名词复数 );淡黄色;加那利舞;加那利白葡萄酒;
canaries 网络解释


1. 歌女复数:歌罗西书Colossianscolossians | 歌女复数canaries | 歌曲songdescant

2. 高频噪声:canardlayout 鸭式构图 鸭式设计方案 | canaries 高频噪声 | canaryglass 鲜黄玻璃

3. 特高频噪声:canard type wing || 鸭式机翼 | canaries || 特高频噪声 | canbyite || 硅铁石

4. 高频噪音:渠道系统,运河系统,渠化 canalization | 高频噪音 canaries | 充气黄色灯泡 canary lamp

canaries 单语例句

1. " There are many canaries emerging in the climate change coal mine, " UNEP's executive director Achim Steiner said in a statement.

2. The Spaniard's modeling career began while he was working as a physiotherapist in the Canaries.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. A reindeer gnaws at the trunk of a birch tree, while canaries sing at a deafening pitch.

canaries 英英释义



1. a group of mountainous islands in the Atlantic off the northwest coast of Africa forming Spanish provinces

    Synonym: Canary Islands
