
canary [kəˈneəri]  [kəˈneri] 


canary 基本解释

名词淡黄色; [动]金丝雀; (十六世纪流行于法国及西班牙的)加那利舞; 加那利白葡萄酒

canary 网络解释


1. 加那利群岛:本变种总的外形与产于非洲大陆西北部大西洋中的马德拉岛(Madereira)和加那利群岛(Canary)的肾叶铁线蕨Adiantum reniforme L.极为相似,近来经过细胞学的研究,得知本变种为4倍体,这和产于加那利群岛的材料倍性完全相同,

2. 女歌手, 金丝雀:canard 谣言, 误传 | canary 女歌手, 金丝雀 | visage <书>面貌, 容貌

3. 淡黄色:蓝帽子 Blue Cap | 淡黄色 Canary | 焰红色 Flame

canary 词典解释

1. 金丝雀
    Canaries are small yellow birds which sing beautifully and are often kept as pets.

canary 单语例句

1. Only 19 people survived the crash of the Spanair plane bound for the Canary Islands.

2. And with at least 20 of the victims coming from the Canary Islands, authorities on the islands were planning a large funeral there in the coming days.

3. canary的近义词

3. Now is the sliver of time after the tree leaves have turned canary yellow and before they fall to the earth below.

4. A project to help conserve the turtles aims to reintroduce the species which disappeared from the Canary Islands 300 years ago.

5. The couple were making a visit to the Canary Islands to stay with her family before returning to London to begin their married life.

6. Chinese scientists have adopted the idea of the " coal mine canary " to monitor water quality by using fish to test for pollutants.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. This letter is canary in the mine material, and should alarm everyone concerned with the situation in Iraq.

8. The Arctic is our canary in the coal mine for climate impacts that will affect us all.

9. They were flying back to the Canary Islands to celebrate news of her pregnancy with family.

10. The first Spanish region to outlaw bullfighting was the Canary Islands, in 1991.

canary 英英释义




1. any of several small Old World finches

    Synonym: canary bird

2. a moderate yellow with a greenish tinge

    Synonym: canary yellow

3. a female singer

4. someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police

    Synonym: fink snitch snitcher stoolpigeon stool pigeon stoolie sneak sneaker



1. having the color of a canary
    of a light to moderate yellow

    Synonym: canary-yellow
