
bromide [ˈbrəʊmaɪd]  [ˈbroʊmaɪd] 


bromide 基本解释

名词溴化物; 溴化物镇静剂; 安眠药; 陈词滥调

bromide 网络解释

1. 溴化; 溴化物:bromic ether 溴代乙烷; 乙基溴 | bromide 溴化; 溴化物 | brominated species 含溴产品

2. 溴剂:bromatology 饮食学 | bromide 溴剂 | bromidrosiphobia 恐体臭症

bromide 词典解释

1. 溴化物,溴化钾(用作镇静剂)
    Bromide is a drug which used to be given to people to calm their nerves when they were worried or upset.

    e.g. ...a dose of bromide.

2. 老套的安慰话;陈词滥调
    A bromide is a comment which is intended to calm someone down when they are angry, but which has been expressed so often that it has become boring and meaningless.

    e.g. The meeting produced the usual bromides about macroeconomic policy, third-world debt and the environment.

bromide 单语例句

1. That accord was agreed to in 1992, when methyl bromide was listed as a controlled substance.

2. The national plan states that with the exception of some critical uses, the methyl bromide production and use in China will be banned by 2015.

3. The other two industries targeted to phase out methyl bromide use are the tobacco and agriculture sectors.

4. Production and use of methyl bromide will be greatly reduced in China by 2005, a national plan released yesterday states.

5. bromide的意思

5. At home on Friday, he poured some hydro bromide into a Coke bottle and it exploded.

bromide 英英释义



1. a trite or obvious remark

    Synonym: platitude cliche banality commonplace

2. any of the salts of hydrobromic acid
    formerly used as a sedative but now generally replaced by safer drugs
