
cliche ['kli:ʃeɪ]  [kli:'ʃeɪ] 

cliche 基本解释


cliche 网络解释

1. 陈腔滥调,<<可以删>>陈腔滥调可以删掉:painter-画家 <披头> 披头散发的是画家 | cliche-陈腔滥调,<<可以删>>陈腔滥调可以删掉 | pay-工资<<配>>工资与职位相配

2. 陈腔滥调;陈腐思想:ache 痛 | cliche 陈腔滥调;陈腐思想 | seethe 骚动

3. 陈腔滥调/铅版/陈腐的:clianthus /开穗状花朵的矮树/ | cliche /陈腔滥调/铅版/陈腐的/ | cliches /陈腔滥调/

cliche 单语例句

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1. That may sound like a cliche, but it's absolutely true.

2. cliche的近义词

2. It has become a cliche of debate nights, a room television networks know they should avoid but can't seem to help themselves.

3. It has become a cliche to say the Internet has made the world smaller by making communication between people around the world easier and instantaneous.

4. cliche

4. " We Are Marshall " is a football movie that isn't really about football, yet somehow manages to perpetuate every cliche of the genre.


5. But stories like his are becoming a cliche in China, and it appears donor fatigue has set in.

6. Another footballing cliche is the one which says a team must take their chances when they come along.

7. Romano thinks his book is a bold attempt to overthrow cliche as not everyone agrees with his thoughts.

8. cliche的翻译

8. LOS ANGELES - Documentarian Morgan Neville has fashioned a spirited riposte to the groundless cliche that Los Angeles is a cultural wasteland.

9. But it can't preserve the intimacy of the original film, and the loosened characters slide into cliche.

10. Although it sounds like a cliche, football is much more than two teams of eleven people running after a ball.

cliche 英英释义



1. a trite or obvious remark

    Synonym: platitude banality commonplace bromide
