
boneset ['bəʊnset]  ['boʊnset] 

boneset 基本解释



boneset 网络解释

1. 兰草:bones 骨骼 | boneset 兰草 | bonesetter 接骨师

2. 兰草的一种:bones || 骨骼, 尸体 | boneset || 兰草的一种 | bonesetter || 接骨师, 正骨大夫

3. 穿心佩兰:boneseeker 骨赘 | boneset 穿心佩兰 | bonesetting 正骨

boneset 双语例句


1. F: I was very passionate when I painted this picture of bamboo and the painting of bamboo and boneset was very good.


2. Boneset has been shown in test tube and other studies to stimulate immune-cell function, 8 which may explain it's traditional use to help fight off minor viral infections, such as the flu.

3. Proprietary Blend An extract of peppermint herb, Echinacea purpurea root, Eyebright herb, Oregon grape root, Boneset herb, and Garden Sage leaf.


4. adopt blood circulation soup(astragali, radix salviae miltiorrhizae, antler tablet, golden retriever, angelica, earth worm, boneset leaves and more) and parenteral nutrition nerve, dehydration, external application of Chinese traditional medicine(lycopodium clavatum, argy wormwood Leaves, American lopseed, prickly ash, crude aconite, crude radix aconiti feri, wild ginger, clematis root and more) external application combining functional exercise to treat 390 cases of lumbar spinal stenosis in old patients.

5. Observation on Supracondylar Fracture of Femur Treated by Boneset Replacement throughout External Fixation with Leather Nail

boneset 英英释义



1. perennial herb of southeastern United States having white-rayed flower heads
    formerly used as in folk medicine

    Synonym: agueweed thoroughwort Eupatorium perfoliatum

2. European herb having small white, pink or purple flowers
    naturalized as a weed in North America

    Synonym: common comfrey Symphytum officinale
