
birth [bɜ:θ]  [bɜ:rθ] 


birth 基本解释


名词出生; 分娩; 出身; 起源

birth 相关词组


1. by birth : 在血统上, 生来;

birth 相关例句


1. They provided the weapons that won the war and birthed the Atomic Age.


1. He is a man of German birth.

2. Kill the cases at birth.

3. He weighed 10 pounds at birth.

4. The exact date of his birth is not known.

birth 网络解释

1. 重生:随着9月9日多伦多电影节的开幕,一大帮好莱坞大明星马不停蹄地从欧洲直奔北美洲,但也有人并没有离开欧洲的城市,<<重生>>(Birth)女星妮可-基德曼(Nicole Kidman)在威尼斯完成宣传任务并遭到同事劳伦-巴考尔(Lauren Bacall)一顿抢白后的当日,

2. 生产:一份由阳明大学周颖政教授及健保局李丞华合作发表在生产(Birth)国际期刊的研究报告指出,经过年龄、族群、生产史、妊娠危险因子、及其他各种因素调整后,女医师或是医师的女性家属的剖腹产率明显低於同属於高社经地位的其他妇女,

birth 词典解释

1. 出生;降生;出世
    When a baby is born, you refer to this event as his or her birth .

    e.g. It was the birth of his grandchildren which gave him greatest pleasure...
    e.g. She concealed her pregnancy right up to the moment of birth...

2. 诞生;产生;出现;起源
    You can refer to the beginning or origin of something as its birth .

    e.g. ...the birth of popular democracy.

3. 出身;家世;门第
    Some people talk about a person's birth when they are referring to the social position of the person's family.

    e.g. of low birth...
    e.g. His birth, background and career show that you can make it in this country on merit alone.

4. see also: date of birth;home birth

5. 在血统上;生来
    If, for example, you are French by birth, you are French because your parents are French, or because you were born in France.

    e.g. Sadrudin was an Iranian by birth.

6. birth

6. 生(孩子);分娩;生育
    When a woman gives birth, she produces a baby from her body.

    e.g. She's just given birth to a baby girl...
    e.g. She's due to give birth at any moment.

7. 使产生;使诞生
    To give birth to something such as an idea means to cause it to start to exist.

    e.g. In 1980, strikes at the Lenin Shipyards gave birth to the Solidarity trade union.

8. 出生的(地方)
    The country, town, or village of your birth is the place where you were born.

birth 单语例句

1. Giving birth to one baby is wonderful, but what about four at the same time?

2. Buzzing with success over the first panda cub born at Zoo Atlanta, veterinarians were on birth watch Thursday for a possible twin sibling.

3. Complications caused by birth control surgery should be controlled under one per thousand.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. " The percentage of infant death caused by birth defects is rising in the country, " Fu said.

5. According to the state organization, the increase was contributed more by birth surplus to deaths than by net immigration.

6. birth什么意思

6. Zhang was born with congenital diseases and was abandoned by her birth parents.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. She repents for her sin by giving birth to babies for total strangers.

8. Interestingly, the design was inspired by the birth of Donald and Melania Trump's son Barron William.

9. One of the biggest challenges for families is helping their child understand why they may have been abandoned by their birth parents.

10. By 2020, birth rates in these counties should remain low and be steady.

birth 英英释义


1. the event of being born

    e.g. they celebrated the birth of their first child

    Synonym: nativity nascency nascence

2. a baby born
    an offspring

    e.g. the overall rate of incidence of Down's syndrome is one in every 800 births

3. birth

3. the process of giving birth

    Synonym: parturition giving birth birthing

4. birth的反义词

4. the kinship relation of an offspring to the parents

    Synonym: parentage

5. the time when something begins (especially life)

    e.g. they divorced after the birth of the child
           his election signaled the birth of a new age


1. cause to be born

    e.g. My wife had twins yesterday!

    Synonym: give birth deliver bear have
