
parentage [ˈpeərəntɪdʒ]  [ˈperəntɪdʒ] 

parentage 基本解释

名词亲子关系; 出身,门第; 父母亲的身份; 起源

parentage 相关例句



1. They still did not know her place of birth or her parentage.

parentage 网络解释


1. 渊源:panel of experts 专家小组 | parentage 渊源 | parties involved 交换中的各方

2. 出身:8. 格雷 墓园挽歌 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard | parentage 出身 | workhouse 贫民窟

3. 血统:parent language 母语 | parentage 血统 | parental 亲本的

4. 父母身分:Parent and Child Ordinance [Cap. 429] <<父母与子女条例>>(第429章) | parentage 父母身分 | particular mark 特征

parentage 词典解释

1. 出身;家世;世系
    Your parentage is the identity and origins of your parents. For example, if you are of Greek parentage, your parents are Greek.

    e.g. She's a Londoner of mixed parentage (English and Jamaican)...
    e.g. We are all the result of our parentage and upbringing.

parentage 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. " Nothing's been determined except parentage and I'm the father, " Birkhead said.

2. A passport can be gained through parentage or marriage while other players can qualify through residency.

3. The court had ruled the baby must stay in hospital until DNA tests could confirm his parentage.

parentage 英英释义



1. the descendants of one individual

    e.g. his entire lineage has been warriors

    Synonym: lineage line line of descent descent bloodline blood line blood pedigree ancestry origin stemma stock

2. the kinship relation of an offspring to the parents

    Synonym: birth

3. the state of being a parent

    e.g. to everyone's surprise, parenthood reformed the man

    Synonym: parenthood
