belt up

belt up [belt ʌp]  [bɛlt ʌp] 

belt up 基本解释
belt up 网络解释

belt up在线翻译

1. 安静些, 别讲话了:belt trough drier || 槽板带式干燥机 | belt up || 安静些, 别讲话了 | belt weight meter || 带秤

belt up 单语例句

1. belt up

1. Jazz up the ensemble with a belt, and work your womanly silhouette.

2. Last week, both ministers advocated ripping up Britain's green belt to solve the housing crisis.

3. Funding has been made available and favourable policies drawn up to push the development of western and rust belt regions.

4. The two sides yesterday also agreed to step up building " two corridors and one economic belt " along their shared border.

5. belt up的意思

5. The campaign for drivers and passengers to belt up has been a long and successful.

6. Efforts on building an industrial belt for farm products with comparative advantages have beefed up.

7. This is an important development considering that China's coastal belt has accounted for the majority of wealth during three decades of reform and opening up.

belt up 英英释义



1. refuse to talk or stop talking
    fall silent

    e.g. The children shut up when their father approached

    Synonym: close up clam up dummy up shut up button up be quiet keep mum
