close up

close up [kləuz ʌp]  [kloz ʌp] 

close up 基本解释


(使)闭合; 堵塞(某物); (使)关店; <非正>沉默

close up 相关例句


1. Business declined to such an extent that the company had to close up.

2. Your wound will soon close up.

3. He closed up the mouth of the pipe.

close up 情景对话


A:Do you live (nearby/ near here/ close by)?

B:Yes, I live up the block.

close up 词典解释

1. (通常因离开)关上,关闭
    If someone closes up a building, they shut it completely and securely, often because they are going away.

    e.g. Just close up the shop...
    e.g. The summer house had been closed up all year.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. (开口、裂缝等)闭合;使合上
    If an opening, gap, or something hollow closes up, or if you close it up, it becomes closed or covered.

    e.g. Don't use cold water as it shocks the blood vessels into closing up.

close up 单语例句

1. Padraig Harrington won the Dunhill Links Championship by five strokes on Sunday to set up a close finale for Europe's order of merit.

2. By the time I got up to go home, it was close to midnight.

3. Liu said that his crafty swan eluded those trying to catch it and next turned up close to a beauty salon near the Chongqing Hotel.

4. Enterprises that cannot meet national or local discharging standards will be ordered to restructure themselves or even close down and clean up their production methods.

5. close up什么意思

5. Liu said the ministry would work with other departments to clean up unlicensed metal recycling operations that are believed to have close links with thieves.

6. It is a rare opportunity for Shanghai residents to see these works close up.

7. But the market picked up quickly to close at yet another new record.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. BEIJING - Chen Wenjing's ambitious plan to go backpacking in Taiwan to see the island up close and personal is about to come true.

9. Windows were shattered and metal doors were damaged up to a kilometer away, and steel structural debris from the warehouses was found close by.

10. I remembered there is safety in numbers, and walked up to two women standing close by.

close up 英英释义

close up


1. refuse to talk or stop talking
    fall silent

    e.g. The children shut up when their father approached

    Synonym: clam up dummy up shut up belt up button up be quiet keep mum

2. unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of

    e.g. close the circuit
           close a wound
           close a book
           close up an umbrella

    Synonym: close

3. block passage through

    e.g. obstruct the path

    Synonym: obstruct obturate impede occlude jam block

4. cease to operate or cause to cease operating

    e.g. The owners decided to move and to close the factory
           My business closes every night at 8 P.M.
           close up the shop

    Synonym: close fold shut down close down


1. very close

    e.g. without my reading glasses I can hardly see things close up
           even firing at close range he missed

    Synonym: at close range
