
artisan [ˌɑ:tɪˈzæn]  [ˈɑ:rtəzn] 


artisan 基本解释



artisan 网络解释

1. 工匠:呵呵),但我却觉得它是我所看过最具哥特风格的一部电影,感觉很像爱伦.坡的笔下世界,约翰尼 德普 (Johnny Depp) 所扮演的那个坚信科学的侦探也有几分杜宾的味道,呵呵. 不知道其他的推友是怎么看的呢?出 品:工匠(Artisan)影业

2. 匠人:在这一百多年的厨师演化当中,这股上进的力量总是试图把厨师从匠人(artisan)推向艺术家(artist),让大家觉得厨艺真是门艺术. 难怪如今的三星大厨总是一派艺术家风范,谈吐不凡,外形清雅,偶尔还要在餐牌上秀一手书法,甚至在食谱里展露画功.

3. 匠:'艺术家'(artist)原来是指技术熟练的人,如'艺匠'(artisan但是'艺术家'现在单指那些精选的、具有想象力或创造性的技术. 而且更为重要的是,大写字母开头的'艺术'终于成为代表一种特殊的'真实'――'想象的真实'(imaginative truth),

4. 工匠,手工业工人:征募 conscript | 工匠,手工业工人 artisan | 忽必烈 Kublai Khan

artisan 词典解释

1. artisan在线翻译

1. 手工艺人;工匠
    An artisan is someone whose job requires skill with their hands.

artisan 单语例句

1. The city will then showcase an artisan festival selling all manner of paraphernalia about the small folk.

2. artisan的翻译

2. A folk artisan shows his traditional clay on the street in Bozhou city.

3. artisan的解释

3. You could also stay cool sipping on artisan cocktails and global wines while taking in the vibrant park life of the season.

4. Thanks to this acclaimed artisan the Dabao Temple atop Mount Emei, in Sichuan Province will once again blaze a golden beacon.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Artisan cheeses are complex and unique with qualities that vary depending on the conditions in which they are made and kept.

6. Artisan He Wenqi designed and produced the set of wares to commemorate the upcoming Beijing Olympic Games next year.

artisan 英英释义



1. a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft

    Synonym: craftsman journeyman artificer
