1. 工匠:圣堂势力的职业是骑士(knight),独有技能是反击(Counterstrike炼狱势力的职业是恶魔领主(DemonLord),独有技能是异界之门(Gating学院势力的职业是术士(Wizard),独有技能是炼化工匠(Artificer墓地势力的职业是亡灵巫师(Necropolis),
2. 牙技工:articulation coxa cup髋关节杯,髋杯 | artificer 牙技工 | artificial人工的,人造的,假的
3. 技工:artifice 技巧 | artificer 技工 | artificial coal 炼煤
4. 工匠技工:artificer diver 潜水员潜水长 | artificer 工匠技工 | artificer 技工
1. an enlisted man responsible for the upkeep of small arms and machine guns etc.
2. a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft
Synonym: craftsman artisan journeyman
3. someone who is the first to think of or make something
Synonym: inventor discoverer