



ADS 基本解释


abbr.Ammunition Delivery System 弹药分配系统

ADS 情景对话


A:We want to use the right marketing mix to reach our target market.

B:Certainly. We've done some tactical planning already. We think we've come up with a good plan.

A:What media do you plan to use?

B:Well, taking into account the image you want to project, we've asked our copywriters to prepare copy for computer magazines and the internet first.

A:So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computer users.

B:Yes. We'll also run billboard and newspaper ads to help create broad brand recognition.

A:Will there be any direct mail?

B:No. That would not be correct for a manufacturer like you. Leave that to the retailers.

A:Good point. Please prepare a more detailed proposal, and then I'll pitch it to the higher-ups.

B:Great. We'll get started right away.

Promotional Activities-(促销活动)

A:As you know, the FastTrek 2000 is due for release next month. I think we've finally worked the kinks out.
      正如你所知,FastTrek 2000 预定在下个月推出。我想我们已经解决了所有琐碎的问题。

B:Great. That's vital. Quality is the focus of the ad campaign. The boards must work well if they're going to be the cash cow we want them to be.

A:Let's go over our promotion plans again.

B:OK. We have six major retailers running demonstrations at most branches. And our exhibition team is already on the road setting up for computer shows.

A:Good. What about print and radio?

B:We've taken out full-page ads for two large trade magazines. And more important, our press releases have been well received.

A:Any larger ads?

B:Yes. We're putting the same full-page ad in the Sunday edition of three major newspapers.

A:Sounds perfect.

B:But nothing ever works out as you want it. So I have a number of other tricks up my sleeve, as well.

ADS 网络解释


1. 美国存托股份:局指中华人民共和国国家环境保护总局 坚戈指哈萨克斯坦共和国的法定货币 吉林化工指吉林化学工业股份有限公司 锦州石化指锦州石化股份有限公司 辽河油田指辽河金马油田股份有限公司 美国存托股份(ADS) 指由存托银行发行,

2. 广告:由一群长期活跃在成都主流媒体的广告从业人员组成,对成都各媒体的经营状况十分了解,对各媒体资源的整合能力是一流的,我们能够也十分愿意成为你在四成都报纸(newspaper)-广告(ads)网是专业的报纸媒体广告运营商,

3. 自适应减振系统:GL级豪华越野车配备了全时四轮驱动系统(4MATIC)、空气悬挂系统(AIRMATIC)、自适应减振系统(ADS)以及7G-TRONIC七速自动变速器. 值得一提的是,秉承梅赛德斯-奔驰一贯的安全传统,GL级越野车还特别应用了预防性安全系统(PRE-SAFE?

4. 地址:即,将其限定在第一地址(ADS)和第二地址(ADE)之间,所述第二地址(ADE)通过将表示第一数据在图像数据中连续重复的特定数目的行程长度数据(RL)与第一地址相加而产生.

5. ads:aids and std; 艾滋病

6. ads:acute dilatation stomach; 急性胃扩张

7. ads:autocad development system; autocad开发系统

8. ads:academy of sciences; 科学院

ADS 单语例句

1. Some camp out on the ground and set up handwritten personal ads touting the virtues of their children.

2. ADS

2. The president's initial TV ads portray Bush as the nation's caretaker in troubled times.

3. Nike's news ads showing NBA star LeBron James battling a cartoon kungfu Master and dragons has invoked great controversy in China.

4. Many argue that because Tencent already had revenue from ads on QQ, it should not charge for just registering an account.

5. The Chinese Red Cross Foundation has launched a new campaign that uses outdoor LED ads and electronic donation boxes to raise funds.

6. The ads will cover the usual topics of environmental protection as well as modern Chinese cultural values and civism.

7. ADS在线翻译

7. A property management company in Chongqing has posted ads for security guards, saying those over 170 cm in height will get higher pay.

8. The " coercive " consumption of ads spoils many customers'appreciation of a movie, according to Hou.

9. Cola ads are omnipresent, luring the young and old alike with their false charm.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The piece aims to raise public awareness of environmental protection, and is one of a collection of subway ads being exhibited starting Thursday.
