
accounting [əˈkaʊntɪŋ]  [əˈkaʊntɪŋ] 








accounting 基本解释


名词会计; 会计学; 记账


accounting 网络解释

1. 会计学:只要成功完成这个项目将自动被录取进入硕士项目) 1)商务类 会计学 (Accounting) (开设预科) 财

2. (财会):加以浓缩组装方式安排,期能让学员在最短时间,了解 SAP Business One 中物 (Logistics)与财会(Accounting) 程架构以及导入与运作实务相对应之系统设定,无 是企业内部主要 程负责人(Process Owner)或者顾问师(Consultant)皆可於本课程中获 ,

3. 核算:必须能够满足其 提供科学,系统和完整的会计信息的需要,为此,设置会计科目要遵循以下原则: 1.设置会计科目必须针对会计对象和会计要素的特点.会计核算(accounting)是针对会 计对象和会计要素及其具体分类项目进行的,

accounting 词典解释

1. 会计;记账
    Accounting is the activity of keeping detailed records of the amounts of money a business or person receives and spends.

    e.g. ...allegations of theft, forgery and false accounting.
    e.g. ...the accounting firm of Leventhal & Horwath.

accounting 单语例句

1. The bloc is by far Britain's top trading partner, accounting for about half of its trade.

2. Some 19 Chinese companies were on the list by the end of 2004, accounting for one third of the total.

3. accounting

3. France is Hong Kong's largest wine supplier, accounting for some 56 percent of its total wine imports by value in 2009.

4. accounting的意思

4. TOKYO - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's beleaguered government was hit by another scandal Saturday, as local media accused a Cabinet minister of accounting irregularities.

5. The power industry is the area in which Chinese businesses are most active, accounting for 63 percent of Chinese investment.

6. More than 300 mainland firms are currently listed in Hong Kong, accounting for nearly 40 percent of the market capitalization.

7. China is now the largest cashmere producer in the world, accounting for 70 percent of the total world cashmere output.

8. Olmert made the comments after some members of his centrist Kadima party called for a fuller accounting of his talks with Abbas.

9. The City Council is seeking a full accounting of the taxpayer dollars committed to Jackson's tribute.

10. accounting的反义词

10. The complicated change has required a great deal of preparation and resources to adjust the existing separate accounting and calculation system.

accounting 英英释义


1. accounting在线翻译

1. the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business

    Synonym: accountancy


2. a system that provides quantitative information about finances

3. accounting

3. a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes

    e.g. he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions

4. accounting的解释

4. a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance

    e.g. they send me an accounting every month

    Synonym: account account statement

5. accounting

5. a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business
    forms part of a ledger of accounts

    Synonym: accounting system method of accounting
