accounting system

accounting system [əˈkaʊntɪŋ ˈsistəm]  [əˈkaʊntɪŋ ˈsɪstəm] 

accounting system 基本解释


accounting system 网络解释

accounting system

1. 会计系统:立即翻译并执行 依行号顺序,依序翻译并执行下列何者不为系统软体 公用程式(Utility) 作业系统(Operating System) 会计系统(Accounting System) 编译程式(Complier)下列叙述何者正确 编译器(Complier)可编译应用程式,

2. 会计制度:与内部控制制度相比,内部控制结构的最大变化就是把控制环境纳入到了内部控制的范畴,强调环境因素对实现控制目标的重要影响,因此,它将内部控制(结构)划分为控制环境(Control Environment)、会计制度(Accounting System)和控制程序(Control

3. 制度:与内部控制制度相比,内部控制结构的最大变化就是把控制环境纳入到了内部控制的范畴,强调环境因素对实现控制目标的重要影响,因此,它将内部控制(结构)划分为控制环境(control environment)、会计制度(accounting system)和控制程序(control

4. 会计制度;会计系统:accounting statement 会计报表 | accounting system 会计制度;会计系统 | accounting transaction 会计事项;帐务交易

accounting system 单语例句

1. The complicated change has required a great deal of preparation and resources to adjust the existing separate accounting and calculation system.

2. With the establishment of ocean economy accounting system with oceanic characteristics there will be new statistics to truthfully reflect the contribution of the ocean economy.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. In the current national accounting system, spending on human capital is measured as part of consumption.

4. The digital control system was a key component accounting for 30 to 50 percent of a machine tool's overall cost.

5. A prudential accounting system and transparent information disclosure system need to be established.

6. The present reform of the accounting system in enterprises is mainly targeting public listed companies to help them upgrade the quality of released information.

7. The accounting system of the enterprises needs to be brought into conformity wit h international accounting practice.

8. accounting system的近义词

8. It mandated that China adopt a completely new accounting system and ended the old planned economy accounting practice.

9. accounting system

9. These companies must keep to the existing Accounting System for Business Enterprises.

10. The accounting system for Green GDP recommended by the United Nations is the SEEA.

accounting system 英英释义


1. accounting system在线翻译

1. a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business
    forms part of a ledger of accounts

    Synonym: accounting method of accounting
