

重孝[zhòng xiào]

词典deep mourning重孝。

重孝 汉英大词典

重孝[zhòng xiào]

deep mourning

重孝 双语例句

1. 重孝什么意思

1. 她拒绝戴重孝,这使格伦迪夫人大为震惊。
    She shocked Mrs Grundy by refusing to go into full mourning.

2. 重孝在线翻译

2. 她正为她的父亲戴重孝
    She's in deep mourning for her father.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 他身穿重孝,走在队伍的最前面。
    He is in deep mourning, and walks at the front of the procession.

4. 重孝

4. 中国是个重孝重礼的国度,因此,为祖辈找一处山清水秀的风水宝地安葬,往往代表着一种美好的愿望。
    China is a country重孝Chung-Li, therefore, for the forefathers of feng shui Find a beautiful treasure buried, often represent a good wish.

5. 本文还考察了孝观念由注重内容到注重形式的发展趋势以及家长权利等问题,并探讨了由于重孝而产生的母权现象与男尊女卑观念的矛盾,认为母权与其说是女权不如说是家长权。
    Having accepted the concept of filial piety in The Book of Rites, people in the Western Han Dynasty made great innovations according to that time, such as wedding ceremony and sacrifice system, to meet the need of society and...

6. 重孝什么意思

6. 汉代重孝治还表现在统治者对孝道思想的具体实践上,制定出一系列具体措施来全面实施其孝治方针。
    The standards of filial piety at that time embodied with obvious theological features. The rulers special political policy was also displayed in the fact that they drafted a lot of concrete measures to comprehensively implement the policy.

7. 重孝是什么意思

7. 文章的最后还叙述了不孝罪对唐代家庭的影响和中国古代社会为何如此重孝,以至于孝不仅仅影响了两千多年的封建社会,而且还深深地影响着现代的中国家庭。
    Finally, the article describes the lack of filial piety crime family of the Tang Dynasty and the ancient Chinese society Why emphasizing filial piety, filial piety is not only affected the extent that two thousand years of feudal society, but also deeply influenced modern Chinese families.

8. 汉人重孝,以孝治天下,祭祖作为祭祀和敬奉祖先的混合体,无论是在汉代的祭祀活动还是孝文化中都占据着举足轻重的位置。
    Fete progenitor mixed by ancestral worship and worship their ancestors, which took an important position in the worship activity and the culture of filial piety.

9. 孝文帝的举措使鲜卑民族最终接受了儒家重礼重孝的文化传统,也挽救了自汉末魏晋以来汉民族的家族伦理危机,为民族融合、社会整合作出了不朽的贡献。
    These measures made Nationality Xianbei accept the cultural tradition of the Confucianism, which thinks highly of rites and filial duties.
