

甜点心[tián diǎn xin]



甜点心 汉英大词典

甜点心[tián diǎn xin]


甜点心 网络解释

1. 甜点心的近义词

1. dessert:正餐的最后一道菜是甜点心(dessert),有苹果饼(apple pie),奶酪饼(cheese cake),巧克力,冰淇淋,冰淇淋圣代(sundae)等. 在美国,咖啡(coffee)和茶是美国人的主要饮料. 牛奶也很畅销. 他们常喝的饮料是可口可乐(Coca-Cola)和百事可乐(Pepsi Cola).

2. dessert n:desolate adj.荒凉的,被遗弃的 | dessert n.甜点心 | destine vt.命定,注定;预定

3. dessert n. fruit, sweet pudding, etc, that you eat at the end of a meal:The boys rolled a huge snow ball. 孩子们滚了个大雪球. | dessert n. fruit, sweet pudding, etc, that you eat at the end of a meal 甜点心 | We had ice cream for dessert. 我们饭后吃了冰淇淋.

4. dolce:Gran Sasso: 大石山 | dolce: 甜点心 | pasta asciutta: 拌面,捞面

甜点心 双语例句

1. 甜点心的意思

1. 如果你还吃得下的话,还有甜点心胡桃糖(用美洲山胡桃和糖作成的一种墨西哥糖)。
    And for dessert, if you're still able to eat, there's a praline, a sweet Mexican candy made from pecans and sugar

2. 除了甜点心外,他们再加上水果。
    In addition to dessert, they serve fruit for good measure.

3. 他们只吃使他们长脂肪而无食物价值的甜点心
    They eat soly sweet dessert that only build up fat but no nutrition.

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4. 好了! 这是农夫市场甜点心的高潮结局。
    This is the grand finale of the pastries available in the Friday market.

5. 小杰克非常爱吃甜食,他的父母禁止他再吃甜点心。有一天,在
    Little Jack is very fond of sweetmeats, and he has been forbidden to ask for dessert.

6. 小杰克非常爱吃甜食,他的父母禁止他再吃甜点心
    Little Jack is very fond of sweetmeats, and he has been forbidden to

7. 甜点心的翻译

7. 让我们看看哈里的经验:三年前我爱吃油煎的食物和甜点心
    Read about Harry`s experience: Three years ago I loved to eat fried food and sweet desserts.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 他们只吃使他们长脂肪而无食物价值的甜点心
    They only like to eat sweet refreshment that ionly ncrease fat without any benefit.

9. 甜点心

9. 你要甜点心吗?
    Would you like to order a dessert?

10. 你不想吃甜点心了?
    Aren`t you going to have dessert?

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 你要吃点甜点心吗?
      Would you like some dessert?

12. 甜点心是什么意思

12. 要甜点心的话,你可以点苹果馅饼、酪蛋糕、克力夹心蛋糕、淇淋和冰淇淋圣代。
      For dessert you will be offered apple pie, cheese cake, chocolate layer cake, ice cream and ice cream sundaes.

13. 我们在食堂里美美地吃了一顿:有汤、主食和一道甜点心
      We get a good meal in our canteen; soup and a main meal and a sweet.

14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

14. 这甜点心对我来说有点太甜了。
      The dessert was a bit sweet for my liking.

15. 甜点心的反义词

15. 够了,不过,你不介意的话,我想再尝尝柠檬蛋白酥皮筒,我听到不少人谈起这道甜点心,我还从来没有吃过。
      I'm really full, but I'd like try the lemon meringue pie if you don't mind. I've heard a lot of people talk about it, but I've never tasted it.

16. 甜点心

16. 这份甜点心真是再好没有了。
      This dessert is out of this world.

17. 我们有蛋糕作甜点心
      We had cake for dessert.

18. 我的饭来了,是甜点心和山羊肘子。
      A meal was brought to me, of fool and boiled goat's knuckles.

19. 甜点心的翻译

19. 我来之前会吃甜点心
      I'11 eat dessert before I come.

20. 孩子吃完了甜点心后又把盘子舔得干干净净。
      The child finished the dessert and then licked the plate.
