
bun [bʌn]  [bʌn] 



bun 基本解释

名词圆形的小面包或点心; (女子的)圆发髻; 酒宴,闹饮; 〈英方〉尾巴

bun 相关例句


1. He kept drinking till he got a bun on.

2. She wore her hair in a bun.

bun 网络解释


1. 小圆面包:西方有鹳鸟(stork)送婴儿的传说,所以storked;knock up(敲击)是粗鄙说法,一般不宜使用;至于小圆面包(bun)、面包(bread)、布丁(pudding)等,都是很明白的比喻,不必解释了.

2. 小甜面包:配方如普通小甜面包(bun),但是加入了肉桂等香料和干果,所以有特殊风味. 面包表面有一个十字,把面包浅浅地分成4个部分. 巧克力蛋和巧克力兔子(Easter Bunny)无疑是取自于Pagan的传说和习俗. 萨克森人有个给孩子的小故事,

3. 尿素氮:肾功能检查 1) 尿素氮 (BUN) 为肾脏滤过代谢之最终产物,当肾障碍时,产物无法适当排出,此时血清之尿素氮数值升高. 但此数值极易受药物剂量影响,必须配合其他检查数值一起诊断. 2) 肌酸酐 (CRE) 肌酸酐是肌肉运动的主要能源--肌酸所分解的一种物质,

4. 小面包:是次挤挤乐, 为新加坡地铁公司缔造了数项记录, 包括: 596人挤进一节地铁车厢, 以及44人挤进一部德士的创举.一大清早, 7点20分, 我在勿洛北住家附近匆匆忙忙地吃了两件小面包(BUN)之后, 便赶路北上宏茂桥地铁站.

5. bun:serum blood urea nitrogen; 血清尿素氮

6. bun:blood urine nitrogen; 尿素氮

7. bun:blood urea nitrogen; 血液尿素氮测定

bun 词典解释

1. 小圆面包
    Buns are small bread rolls. They are sometimes sweet and may contain dried fruit or spices.

    e.g. ...a currant bun.

2. bun的翻译

2. (表面覆有糖霜的)小蛋糕
    Buns are small sweet cakes. They often have icing on the top.

3. 圆发髻
    If a woman has her hair in a bun, she has fastened it tightly on top of her head or at the back of her head in the shape of a ball.

4. 屁股
    Your buns are your buttocks.

    e.g. I'd pinch his buns and kiss his neck.

bun 单语例句

1. bun的反义词

1. A warm yellow corn meal bun, it is stuffed with a choice of filling.

2. In the past, he could enjoy five bites of a bun.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. The lamb is served with a bun to make a Chinese style lamb hamburger.

4. bun是什么意思

4. Customers are enjoying the ambience - including the bulletproof glass - at a stuffed bun house that used to be a savings bank.

5. The annual Cheung Chau Bun Carnival goes back to the Qing dynasty, when locals gave thanks for the end of a plague.

6. bun

6. My personal favorites are the rice sponge cake, and black sesame bun.

7. Somebody threw a bun in front of me, and I was supposed to make a brain sandwich.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. Outgoing Privacy Commissioner Roderick Woo Bun had also suggested earlier that criminal sanctions be included in the law.

9. Privacy Commissioner Roderick Woo Bun queried whether such a portrayal could be misleading to the public.

10. Baozi is a kind of bun you can eat with your hand.

bun 英英释义



1. small rounded bread either plain or sweet

    Synonym: roll
