




词典like a clay ox entering the sea泥牛入海。

泥牛入海 双语例句

1. 很遗憾,我们的呼吁竟如同泥牛入海
    It is regrettable that our appeal remained a dead letter.

2. 对此,我们小区已经多次向有关部门反应这些情况,但都是泥牛入海,没有回音。
    Therefore, we residential quarters report to involve parties for many times, butwith no reply.

3. 泥牛入海是什么意思

3. 首先,这是无法预测的资金规模,有必要救市得到了稳定基金的影响是不确定的多少规模的需要,如果作为泥牛入海进入股市稳定基金2000.000亿元,无论是财政部或中央银行部,是罪魁祸首。
    First of all, it is impossible to predict the size of funds, it is necessary to save the city received the effect of stabilization fund the needs of the scale of how much is uncertain, if the 200 billion yuan into the market stabilization fund as泥牛入海, whether it is the Ministry of Finance or the central bank, are to blame.

4. 开始工作的时候,你可能会觉得自己是牛入泥海,有力使不出;后来,你就会觉得自己是泥牛入海,已经是一去不复返了。
    At first, you may find yourself helpless at work like a cattle crashing into mud sea; you will find yourself gone for ever like a cattle made of mud falling into the sea.

5. 我们的国家将会陷入破产,如泥牛入海,就像那些陷入次贷危机的牺牲品丢了工作和房子,看著他们的积蓄随著股票市场下滑蒸发得干乾净净。
    Our country is sinking into the quicksand of insolvency as surely as the victims of subprime mortgages who have lost their jobs and their houses and watched their savings evaporate in the stock market decline.

6. 泥牛入海在线翻译

6. 谁知一等两等,如泥牛入海无消息,不但黎明没会着,连会长也不见了。
    And two, such as a news, not only the dawn no appeal remained a dead letter, even the President would not gone.

7. 泥牛入海

7. 弗兰克再一次谴责起道德的含义,他来到牧师面前倾诉,这位牧师曾经也不相信弗兰克一直坚持给他的女儿写泥牛入海的信函。
    Dunn begins to question the morality of it all, even speaking with a priest who objects (the same priest who didn't believe that Dunn was sending letters to his daughter).

8. 当消费者使用搜索引擎XX地最好的英语培训与XX地最便宜的XX商品等呈现出如此需求时,您的网站如果排在搜索引擎第二页之后,您的生意基本也等于泥牛入海了。
    The XX goods with use search to all alone the English with engine XX best ground grooms the as cheapest as XX ground when consumer when presenting a such requirement, if your website is discharged after search index props up the 2nd page, your business also is equal to like a clay ox entering the sea-never to be heard of again basically.
