
disappear [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)]  [ˌdɪsəˈpɪr] 







disappear 基本解释

不及物动词不见,消失; 不复存在,灭绝

disappear 同义词

动词fade out go away vanish

disappear 反义词



disappear 相关例句



1. All at once Phil disappeared.

2. The boy disappeared round the corner.

3. The dinosaurs disappeared long ago.

4. That species disappeared in the Ice Age.

disappear 网络解释

1. 蒸发疑云:<<蒸发疑云>>(Disappear) 上映日期:2003年5月9日 上海金棕榈影视制作有限公司2003年出品 编剧:郑向虹 导演:陈健 主演:杜德伟、陈德容、于荣光、小凡、刘琦 沈志豪 姚丽娜 人物介绍: 徐成 三十多...共2次编辑

2. 无影无踪:提示:鬼魂(ghosts)来无影去无踪. 他们跟男朋友绝交的时候,消失得无影无踪(disappear)正在情理之中.

3. 消失--appear 出现:disagreement 不一致--agreement 一致 | disappear 消失--appear 出现 | disappoint 使失望--encourage 鼓励

disappear 词典解释

1. (通常指因位置改变而)消失,不见
    If you say that someone or something disappears, you mean that you can no longer see them, usually because you or they have changed position.

    e.g. The black car drove away from them and disappeared...
    e.g. Clive disappeared into a room by himself...

2. 消失;失踪
    If someone or something disappears, they go away or are taken away somewhere where nobody can find them.

    e.g. ...a Japanese woman who disappeared thirteen years ago...
           一个 13 年前失踪的日本女人
    e.g. Janet's husband and sister noticed that small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.

3. 不复存在;灭绝;消亡
    If something disappears, it stops existing or happening.

    e.g. The immediate security threat has disappeared.

disappear 单语例句

1. disappear的翻译

1. She'd deliver a few good cuffs then disappear back into the crowd.

2. disappear

2. The United States'traditional military advantages would disappear within a certain period of time if no action is taken.

3. disappear的意思

3. One of the first cinemas to disappear was Il Vecchio at Campo San Margherita, built inside a disused church.

4. Decorate your cake a day or two before the actual festivities and I assure you, the fruitcakes will disappear faster than anyone can say " Aunt Bettina "!

5. disappear的解释

5. The brand will disappear from the Chinese mainland by the end of the year as the local manufacturer will cease production.

6. Champagne is particularly handy in this situation - the delicate bubbles have the desired effect of making sore heads miraculously disappear.

7. Harry Potter's invisibility cloak may still be fantasy, but researchers are moving closer to making things disappear.

8. If the current rate continues, the deficit in jobs could disappear by the election in November.

9. disappear的翻译

9. In modern times, magic is a stage show where buildings can disappear and women are cut in half.

10. In extreme cases some children are deliberately maimed so that their begging brings in more money and some of course disappear into the sex trade.

disappear 英英释义


1. become less intense and fade away gradually

    e.g. her resistance melted under his charm
           her hopes evaporated after years of waiting for her fiance

    Synonym: melt evaporate

2. get lost, as without warning or explanation

    e.g. He disappeared without a trace

    Synonym: vanish go away

3. cease to exist

    e.g. An entire civilization vanished

    Synonym: vanish

4. become invisible or unnoticeable

    e.g. The effect vanished when day broke

    Synonym: vanish go away
