






歪歪倒倒 双语例句

1. 我和妹妹就下楼,妹妹在大楼口,而我却走到外面,没两分钟,就看到一辆车,他一个我没见过的朋友,扶着走路歪歪倒倒的老公,我去扶老公,酒味真的好浓,我都有头晕的感觉。
    My sister and downstairs, and my sister in the building mouth, while I went outside, not two minutes you see a car, I have not seen him a friend, escorted walking Waiwaidaodao husband and I Qufu husband, down-really good concentration, I have a dizzy feeling.

2. 纽霍教堂如今已落在南军后面了,它只留下了一个可怕而模糊的记忆:酷热,尘土,饥饿,疲劳,在坎坷不平的红土路上艰苦地行进,在红色的泥泞中歪歪倒倒地挣扎,退却,掘壕,战斗----退却,掘壕,战斗。
    New Hope Church was behind the gray troops now, a memory in a mad haze of like memories, heat, dust, hunger, weariness, tramp-tramp on the red rutted roads, slop-slop through the red mud, retreat, entrench, fight--retreat, entrench, fight.

3. 这椅子歪歪倒倒
    This chair is rather rickety.

4. 圆顶的、虫蛀的木牌子无依无靠,歪歪倒倒地插在坟墓上。
    Round-topped, worm-eaten boards staggered over the graves, leaning for support and finding none.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 那个醉汉歪歪倒倒地沿街走去。
    The drunken man zigzagged down the street.

6. 歪歪倒倒的意思

6. 他们就变得歪歪倒倒
    And so they just go every which way now.

7. 歪歪倒倒的反义词

7. 房子有两层,只见歪歪倒倒的。
    She was a two-story, and tilted over considerable.

8. 他那歪歪倒倒写的也算是字?
    Does he call that scribble handwriting?

9. 歪歪倒倒的新娘子也笑了。一把抓住她深情的丈夫的手臂稳住自己。
    Laughed the tippling bride, as she steadied herself on the arm of her fond husband.

10. 歪歪倒倒

10. 她歪歪倒倒地被马丁扶到一张椅子上坐下,在那里瞪大眼望着他。
    Martin guided her tottering footsteps to a chair, from where she watched him with bulging eyes.

11. 歪歪倒倒什么意思

11. 他光着脑袋,歪歪倒倒朝着我走过街,两旁有他的朋友搀扶着,催他快走。
      He was a-reeling across the street towards me, bareheaded, with a friend on both sides of him a-holt of his arms and hurrying him along.
