打冷战[dǎ lěng zhàn]
(非武力的斗争) fight a cold war
打冷战[dǎ lěng zhan]
(因寒冷或害怕身体突然抖动) shudder
1. got the chills, shaking:9、打哈欠 - yawn | 10、打冷战 - got the chills, shaking | 11、吹口哨 - whistle
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. 想到罪犯还没被抓住,他不禁打冷战。
Thinking of the criminal who is still at large, he can't help but shiver.
2. 别和我打冷战吧!
Don`t give me the silent treatment.
3. 别跟我打冷战啊!
Don't give me the silent treatment.
4. 你将一切的爱倾注在我身上,而平日里我却和你顶嘴,和你打冷战。
You will all love into me, but on weekdays, I do not talk back to you, and you have to fight the Cold War.
5. 打冷战
5. 我问道,心里害怕得直打冷战。
I asked, with a cold fear in my heart.
6. 我心里害怕得直打冷战,一面向四周环顾点缀着一片片绿色树丛的起伏不平的原野。
I looked round, with a chill of fear in my heart, at the huge swelling plain, mottled with the green patches of rushes.
7. 我从恶梦中醒来,吓得直打冷战。
I woke cold and shaking from the nightmare.
8. 他和老婆两个人最近一直都在打冷战。
He and his wife have been giving each other the silent treatment.
9. 戴维斯博士说,打冷战实际上比合理争吵更让孩子不安。
The silent treatment is actually more distressing for kids than a healthy argument, Dr. Davies says.