
shudder [ˈʃʌdə(r)]  [ˈʃʌdɚ] 








shudder 基本解释

及物/不及物动词战栗; 发抖; 颤动; 震动

名词战栗; 颤动,打颤

shudder 相关例句


1. The plane was shuddering and lurching in the most terrifying manner.

2. She shuddered at the sight of a stranger hiding behind the door.

3. He shuddered when he saw the dead animal.


1. The tank came to a halt with a shudder.

2. The ghastly sight gave him the shudders.

3. A visible shudder swept over her.

shudder 网络解释

1. 吓 的.............发 抖:illness........一有你死.............病 | shudder........吓 的.............发 抖 | ail........... 唉 呦.............烦恼,生病

2. 战栗:shucks 致歉时的声音 | shudder 战栗 | shuddering 发抖的

shudder 词典解释

1. (因担忧、恐惧、厌恶或寒冷)发抖,打颤,战栗
    If you shudder, you shake with fear, horror, or disgust, or because you are cold.

    e.g. Lloyd had urged her to eat caviar. She had shuddered at the thought...
    e.g. Elaine shuddered with cold.

2. (机器、交通工具等)强烈震动,剧烈抖动
    If something such as a machine or vehicle shudders, it shakes suddenly and violently.

    e.g. The train began to pull out of the station — then suddenly shuddered to a halt...
    e.g. The whole ship shuddered and trembled at the sudden strain.

3. 担忧;恐惧;害怕
    If something sends a shudder or shudders through a group of people, it makes them worried or afraid.

    e.g. The next crisis sent a shudder of fear through the UN community...
    e.g. The word still causes a shudder among some of my students.

4. 不敢设想;想到…不寒而栗
    If you say that you shudder to think what would happen in a particular situation, you mean that you expect it to be so bad that you do not really want to think about it.

    e.g. I shudder to think what would have happened if he hadn't acted as quickly as he did.

shudder 单语例句

1. Terrifying waves lash the shore and the roar makes you shudder through the canvass.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. What makes most sovereign states shudder is that it now appears political and economic clout has replaced international law as justification for instigating conflicts.

3. For couples bold enough to choose a scary movie, a cuddle after shudder can be also a sweet choice.

4. shudder在线翻译

4. More than a decade after the 1997 Asian crisis, people still shudder when financial bubbles are mentioned.

5. I also shudder to think what Beijing's streets would be like if all those subway commuters behaved like Americans and drove everywhere.

6. The mere mention is enough to make even the most experienced Shanghai resident shudder in fear.

7. Line 1 was not as crowded prior to the opening of Line 4, so I shudder to think what it will be like when Line 9 opens.

8. People shudder to know that before the men went on their killing rampages, almost all had looked normal to their neighbors.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. Among the respondents to a survey given by the Youth League Committee of Beijing, nearly half of DINKs shudder at the heavy pressure kids may bring.

10. I remember with a shudder a recent experience my family encountered over the May holiday in the UK.

shudder 英英释义


1. an involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear)

    Synonym: tremor

2. an almost pleasurable sensation of fright

    e.g. a frisson of surprise shot through him

    Synonym: frisson shiver chill quiver thrill tingle


1. shake, as from cold

    e.g. The children are shivering--turn on the heat!

    Synonym: shiver

2. shudder的解释

2. tremble convulsively, as from fear or excitement

    Synonym: shiver throb thrill
