





恋战 双语例句

1. 绝不要说这项工作,绝不要说另一项具体的工作。这两种回答都实在糟糕——前者树起了警旗而后者说明你无心恋战
    Although it`s fine to list a technical skill or two here, particularly if your job is very technical, it`s very important to mention some non-technical things.

2. -- 玩短线的可以上一点了,但是不可恋战
    If SPX can come back above 1120, it might be hopeful.

3. 恋战是什么意思

3. 我不作任何考虑,决定强攻了---定好计划出重击,这是我一向的风格=看准目标,勇往直前,用尽一切手段速战速决,过了时限若不能成功,绝不恋战,马上放弃,不再回头翻啅。
    No further consideration necessary, I decided to pursue by storm – set up plan and strike hard, this has always being my style = To be certain about my target, march forward courageously, exercise all possible means for fast outcome, should it past deadline without success, then no hesitation, back down immediately, no second attempt as there is no return to retry.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 不要恋战,迅速的撤退,改变方案。
    Do not go on fighting and retreat quickly to change the program.

5. 不要恋战恋战没有意义。
    Do not love war, the no point that love war.

6. 恋战是什么意思

6. 因为他从来不被贪婪所诱惑——他每次消费都只用几块钱,而且得手就走,绝不恋战
    He spends only a few dollars at a time and at different locations.

7. 下一首是很出名的歌《没有爱》,我非常喜欢,它来自一出电影《恋战冲绳》。
    Wow then some song I really like some over.

8. 谈判课上我有一次比较失败的谈判,原因很简单,一是因为睡眠不足(4个小时)无心和对手恋战,二是因为到底我没把这事当真来做。
    No, I did not make it to the National Football League, but I probably got more from that dream and not accomplishing it than I got from any of the ones

9. 接下来就是由乔尔·舒马赫导演的《虎地恋战》。
    Next up was Tigerland, in which Farrell, under the direction of Joel Schumacher, played the role of the''.

10. 恋战的翻译

10. 不过,就现存的记录来看,在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战开始的几场战役中,有研究记录表明:无心恋战或缺乏训练的士兵根本顶不住大量集中的炮火攻击所带来的心理压力。
    However, research conducted in the first phase of the test documented battles of World War I and II where unmotivated or poorly trained soldiers did not stand up to large concentrations of artillery fire.

11. 恋战

11. 她补充道:据我估计,因为其他高尔夫球手无心恋战,伍兹获得了将近600万美元的额外收入其他高尔夫球手本有机会赢得这些奖金。
      She added:'By my estimates, Woods pocketed nearly $ 6 million in additional earnings because of the reduced effort of other golfers - prize money that would otherwise have been distributed to other players in the field.'

12. 大山羊好像无心恋战,身子一扭,丢下我们朝山上奔去。
      The goat turns back and runs towards the top of the mountain without us just like it doesn't want to fight against the wolves.

13. 恋战在线翻译

13. 场上的九名队员都已无心恋战,只剩下一个孩子还在竭尽全力。
      There were nine players on the court just coasting, but there was one kid playing his heart out.

14. 研究者正恋战于一个关于企业规划在公司创建中的价值的大辩论中。
      Researchers are engaged in a major debate on the value of business planning in new venture creation.
