
bellicose [ˈbelɪkəʊs]  [ˈbelɪkoʊs] 

bellicose 基本解释


形容词<正>好战的,好争吵的,好斗的; 黩武

bellicose 网络解释

1. 好战的:Warlike军事的 | Bellicose好战的 | Interrogate询问

2. 好战的, 好斗的:bellwether 系铃的公羊, 前导, 领导者, 群众的首领 | bellicose 好战的, 好斗的 | chandelier 树枝形的装饰灯

3. 好战的,爱打架的:Squalid 肮脏的,卑劣的 | Bellicose 好战的,爱打架的 | Acute 敏锐的,高音的,急性的

bellicose 词典解释

1. 好斗的;好战的;好争吵的
    You use bellicose to refer to aggressive actions or behaviour that are likely to start an argument or a fight.

    e.g. He expressed alarm about the government's increasingly bellicose statements.

bellicose 单语例句

1. Taking advantage of the prevailing sense of fear they have cultivated at home, the US security apparatus has become even more bellicose in law enforcement.

2. In this sense, a bellicose Chen is no rival for the peaceful pandas.

3. So it's time for US to change its bellicose, bombastic nature of conducting business and accept the inevitability that comes with the changing times.

4. bellicose是什么意思

4. Many of us progressives in the USA are glad Chavez has the courage to confront the bellicose regime from Washington.

5. The Korea Central News Agency later issued a statement noting the anniversary, but also lambasting the United States and Japan for their bellicose attitude toward North Korea.

6. North Korea has shown no public signs of being flexible by continuing its bellicose rhetoric aimed at the United States.

7. The man's voice sounded like Saddam's and the bellicose tone of the message was similar to his previous speeches.

8. bellicose是什么意思

8. Their bellicose statements before and during the attacks on Libya prove the infection has gone to their head.

9. Castro blasted Obama and the United States for what he views as bellicose and hypocritical behavior.

10. bellicose的反义词

10. Fortunately the Obama administration favors diplomacy and engagement over bellicose rhetoric and confrontation.

bellicose 英英释义



1. having or showing a ready disposition to fight

    e.g. bellicose young officers
           a combative impulse
           a contentious nature

    Synonym: battleful combative
