

宽饶[kuān ráo]

词典forgive原谅; 饶恕;请原谅 ; 对不起。

词典give quarter准其投降免死,从宽发落;宽饶;宽大处理;从轻发落。

词典show mercy宽饶;容情;手下留情;行善。

宽饶 汉英大词典

宽饶[kuān ráo]

forgive; give quarter; show mercy

宽饶 双语例句

1. 如有半点差池,我不会宽饶了你。
    I shall not forgive you if there's the slightest mistake.

2. 宽饶的解释

2. 和黑暗精灵们的战斗是非常残酷,没有人要求被敌人宽饶,也没有给予敌人宽饶
    Little wonder then that battles between them are bitterly fought with no quarter asked or given.

3. 宽饶的解释

3. 在会员卡制作后办理时,务必包管每一步处事差多点的感化是安定的、可展望的,如果怠工不到这一点,下一步处事不离会堕落,更为宽饶的是不克不及差不先遣工序大略复制图像举行宏观调控。
    The membership card before treatment, to ensure that each step in the job-to-multipoint is a stable, predictable, if you do this, the next step is, more merciful is not on the follow-up process accurate copy image to macro-control.

4. 那愤怒永不会宽饶,也决不生一丝怜悯,将嘲笑受害者疯狂的哀求,因他的痛苦而喜悦欢欣。
    That cursed people will always seen God smile, compassion prevail only an instant, the eternal revenge is the keynote.

5. 丹吉问睡眼惺忪的神奇男子宽饶
    Gwen asked gazing wide eyed as the magical man.

6. 西汉刚正不阿、位列三公、德比屈原的司隶尉盖宽饶;盛唐屡见奇功的郯国公张公瑾;第一个测量子午线的天文学家僧一行;宋开国名将潘美;清朝听决勤明,断案有方,专攻考古和辨伪,著述颇丰的崔述;抗日民族英雄、路南支队司令员裴香斋等一大批历史人物,为魏县历史谱写了光辉篇章。
    Western Han Dynasty, marked by integrity in terms of Three, Derbysi li Yuan Wei Rao wide cap; qi gong Tan Tanglv jian public Zhanggong States; the first astronomers measured radial monk and his entourage; Song Pamela's founding; Qing Qin never listen to that conclusion well, specializing in archaeological and detection of forgeries, thecui shu works quite good (Choi Dong-wall anti-Japanese national hero, the detachment commander of the South Road, Pei-Xiang Zhai, such as a large number of historical figures for the WEI Xian write a glorious chapter in history.

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7. 我的耶稣!求你听我祷告,将我罪过宽饶,使我从今到老,永属救主。
    Saviour divine! Now hear me while I pray, Take all my guilt away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thine!
