
forgive [fəˈgɪv]  [fərˈgɪv] 







forgive 基本解释


及物/不及物动词原谅; 饶恕; 请原谅 ; 对不起


forgive 同义词

动词quit pardon absolve excuse

forgive 反义词


forgive 相关例句


1. He forgave her for what she had said to him.

2. I'll never forgive you.

3. We forgave him his rudeness.

4. I've already forgiven you.


1. He is not a man who forgives easily.

forgive 情景对话


A:Forgive me, I didn’t mean to offend you.

B:Never mind about that.


B:I’m sorry, sir. No (eating/ drinking/ using mobile phones) in the library.

A:Please forgive me.


A:Hi Diane, do you have a minute?

B:Sure, what’s up?

A:Well, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior lately. I just haven’t been myself.

B:You have been acting a little strange.

A:No, not just a little. I’ve been really rude to you and I’m sorry. I know you must think I’m a fair-weather friend.

B:To be honest, I was a little hurt, but I figured that you must be having a difficult time right now in your life.

A:You’re right, I am. But that’s no excuse to treat you poorly. Will you forgive me?

B:Of course I will. That’s what friends are for! So tell me, how is your sister?

A:She’s still in the hospital.

B:Do the doctors know what’s wrong with her yet?

A:No, they’re still doing tests and trying to figure out new medications in the hope that something will work.

B:How is she holding up?

A:She’s the same as always, surprisingly enough! She’s always been the funny one and she still is. Even at a time like this, she’s making jokes. She’s amazing.

forgive 网络解释


1. 原谅:伺机要当面羞辱相如. 相如得知此事后,处处回避着廉颇. 后来,廉颇听到赵国名士虞卿的话后,才恍然大悟,羞愧万分,于是便脱下衣服,在背上帮了荆条,请人领他到蔺相如家跪地请罪. 蔺相如看到廉颇后,原谅(forgive)了他,并与其成为生死之交.

2. 恕:这英文多么的有意思,宽恕(forgive)是give,是给予;而那遗忘(forget)反而是get,是得到.你越是要遗忘,越遗忘不了;只有当你完全的宽恕,完全的谅解,完全的付出爱,对他人伸出手的时候,才能真正得到心灵的宁静.

forgive 词典解释

1. forgive在线翻译

1. 原谅;饶恕;宽恕
    If you forgive someone who has done something bad or wrong, you stop being angry with them and no longer want to punish them.

    e.g. Hopefully she'll understand and forgive you, if she really loves you...
    e.g. She'd find a way to forgive him for the theft of the money...

2. forgive的近义词

2. 情有可原
    If you say that someone could be forgiven for doing something, you mean that they were wrong or mistaken, but not seriously, because many people would have done the same thing in those circumstances.

    e.g. Looking at the figures, you could be forgiven for thinking the recession is already over...
    e.g. If the research which enticed them to Britain is removed, they can be forgiven for feeling betrayed.

3. (用于礼貌用语或道歉语中)请原谅/恕我无知
    Forgive is used in polite expressions and apologies like 'forgive me' and 'forgive my ignorance' when you are saying or doing something that might seem rude, silly, or complicated.

    e.g. Forgive me, I don't mean to insult you...
    e.g. I do hope you'll forgive me but I've got to leave...

4. 免除(债务)
    If an organization such as a bank forgives someone's debt, they agree not to ask for that money to be repaid.

    e.g. The American Congress has agreed to forgive Egypt's military debt.

forgive 单语例句

1. Obama looked every bit the campaigner as he sometimes mocked his GOP critics, and sometimes asked people to forgive his shortcomings.

2. forgive的反义词

2. People hoping to catch a glimpse of Artest on Tuesday seemed willing to forgive.

3. I hope Internet users and parents can forgive me for my childish behavior.

4. I talked about my son's hobby - climbing tractors and firefighting engines, and asked the teachers to forgive him if he took apart any toy.

5. To a person who doesn't forgive, the situation becomes an emotional wound that festers with compounding or secondary emotional infection.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Tym Glaser is a senior sports copy editor and Raiders fan who will never forgive the " tuck rule ".

7. forgive

7. Forgive my digression, but I'm sure you understand my frustration.

8. forgive

8. Forgive me for getting sentimental, but all this talk of impending doom reminds me of 2002.

9. forgive的近义词

9. So if Obama steadies the rocking economic ship, can the US public forgive him for continuing the war in Iraq a bit longer?

10. forgive的意思

10. Ronan Keating's wife can't forgive his " emotional " infidelity.

forgive 英英释义


1. stop blaming or grant forgiveness

    e.g. I forgave him his infidelity
           She cannot forgive him for forgetting her birthday

2. absolve from payment

    e.g. I forgive you your debt
