

回师[huí shī]


词典return in triumph回师。

回师 汉英大词典

回师[huí shī]

return in triumph

回师 双语例句

1. 半时辰后,王小虎准备回师父尊盛武那里去,但在王小虎回去的路上,那个女孩叫住了他,询问他手臂上那个老虎胎记的情况,得知王小虎正是她要找的人,但王小虎却看到她好像有些不大正常。
    After a half hour, Xiaohu to return to Master Sheng Wu Zun go, but way back in the Wang Xiaohu, the girl stopped him, asked about Tiger birthmark on his arm that the situation is that she is looking for Xiaohu, but seems to be some Xiaohu is not normal to see her.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 办完事出了府衙,在回师傅家的路上,那女子将小虎叫住,问了他手臂上虎纹的情况,想再问别的时,老实的小虎已经回去了。
    After this thing out of Ching Governor, on the way back to the master home, that woman will be tigers stopped and asked his arm on the tiger situation, would like to ask others, the honest and the Tigers have returned.

3. 出敌不意,红军回师遵义。
    The Red Army swung back to zunyi; taking the enemy by surprise.

4. 东北野战军在攻占锦州后,就立即向东北方面回师,从黑山、大虎山南北两翼合围廖耀湘兵团。
    After taking Chinchow, the People's Liberation Army immediately swung back to the northeast and closed in on Liao's army from the north and south of Heishan and Tahushan.

5. 回师的反义词

5. 英雄格萨尔王征战远方,敌国霍尔王趁机进犯,王后珠姆遣鹤送信告急,格萨尔王回师击败敌人。
    Queen Chumo sent a crane with a letter to King Gesar informing him of the emergency situation.
