return in triumph

return in triumph

return in triumph 双语例句

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1. Christ, therefore, should return at the end of the world in the clouds of heaven to possess the land of Canaan, and to reign in an earthly triumph on the throne of David for a thousand years.


2. 9 So he said to the men of Peniel, When I return in triumph, I will tear down this tower.
    8:9 他向毘努伊勒人说、我平平安安回来的时候、我必拆毁这楼。


3. So to the men of Penuel, too, he said, " When I return in triumph, I will demolish this tower.

4. Whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the LORD'S, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.

return in triumph在线翻译

5. Return in triumph; return with flying colors

return in triumph在线翻译

6. At His return in triumph, He will present her to Himself a glorious church, the faithful of all the ages, the purchase of His blood, not having spot or wrinkle, but holy and without blemish.
    在 凯旋回来时,会将她献给自己,作为一个荣耀的教会,就是自己用宝血所买来历代忠心的信徒,没有玷污、皱纹等类的病,是圣洁没有瑕疵的。

7. This time also black must win in Earth base yellow area senior official yellow Jinlong and the black area senior official, in carries on the final airborne farewell after the headquarters personnel, is driving own plane, returned to in this humanity's huge universe fleet, becomes honorable one, when white area senior official white Peter and the hybrid area senior official jumbles together, leads them the second echelon rear service preparation fleet, embarks and with the time which comes up, has transmitted from the Earth headquarters, alliance president entire unification, represents the all Earth humanity's together blessing: I represent our all Earth humanity, extends the loftiest respect to you, wishes you to return in triumph!

8. However, for some seasoned traders who experienced the 1987 crash and implosion of the dotcom bubble in 2000, the return of greed will eventually triumph over fear.

return in triumph的翻译

9. Single staircase independence households modules, he told reporters that the four major property developers in Hong Kong New World Group is one of the 30 years of history, in the prestigious, and that is why he had to use his holiday trip to triumph, and the New World house, he saw triumphant return from the New World, their geographical location or product quality is the Pearl River Metro scarce treasures worthy investment.

10. Jobs was eventually forced out of his company, only to return in triumph.

11. Few doubt that Mr Putin will triumph in the elections, as he attempts to return to the presidency for a third term, but the results will be scrutinised as a test of his popularity.
