
zombie [ˈzɒmbi]  [ˈzɑ:mbi] 



zombie 基本解释

名词(某些非洲和加勒比地区的宗教及恐怖故事中)靠巫术起死回生的僵尸; 无生气的人,麻木迟钝的人

zombie 相关例句



1. Her father thought her boyfriends were zombies.

zombie 词典解释

1. 麻木迟钝的人;毫无生气的人;无精打采的人
    You can describe someone as a zombie if their face or behaviour shows no feeling, understanding, or interest in what is going on around them.

    e.g. I didn't want to do anything, I just sat at home and vegetated. I became a total zombie...
    e.g. Without sleep you will become a zombie at work.

2. (恐怖故事或某些宗教中的)僵尸,还魂尸
    In horror stories and some religions, a zombie is a dead person who has been brought back to life.

zombie 单语例句

1. While Romero's sixth zombie movie shows flashes of his signature cheeky sense of humor, it's never frightening or suspenseful.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. Poets have used the zombie as a metaphor for class prejudice, racism and colonialism.

3. But the worst part of all was when some idiotic kids in Miami decided to dress up like a zombie and pretend to attack people.

4. Industry insiders said distributors will make 10 times more profit if they implant a " zombie " virus in messages than they would with traditional mass sending.

5. The'Transformers'actress romps topless in bed with'Mamma Mia'star Amanda Seyfried in zombie film'Jennifer's Body'.

6. The report said 90 percent of all spam is now relayed from " zombie computers " infected with some kind of malicious code.

7. In 2012, many people around the world began truly fearing the possibility of a zombie apocalypse.

8. I started to think I was in the beginning scene of some zombie apocalypse movie.

9. The eighth is on the way, to be written and directed by aptly named rocker Rob Zombie.

10. zombie

10. Zac Efron thinks he looks like " a zombie " after catching poison oak.

zombie 英英释义


1. several kinds of rum with fruit juice and usually apricot liqueur

    Synonym: zombi

2. someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way

    e.g. only an automaton wouldn't have noticed

    Synonym: automaton zombi

3. a dead body that has been brought back to life by a supernatural force

    Synonym: zombi living dead

4. a god of voodoo cults of African origin worshipped especially in West Indies

    Synonym: zombi snake god

5. (voodooism) a spirit or supernatural force that reanimates a dead body

    Synonym: zombi zombi spirit zombie spirit
