名词溜溜球(一种线轴般的玩具); 优柔寡断的人; 〈美俚〉蠢人,笨人
形容词上下起落的; 摇摆不定的
动词玩约约; 忽上忽下
1. Don't talk to him, he is a real yo-yo.
1. 溜溜球:它不像溜溜球(YO YO)一般易玩、易上手,因此无法令人在短时间内就迅速获得成就感. 在一切讲求速成、迅速获得满足的时代,无可否认,电脑网路、游戏的吸引力比必须按部就班学习的扯铃来得大些. 如何在扯铃的教学上寓教于乐,
2. 蒙嘉慧:蒙嘉慧(Yo Yo)日前被<<东周刊>>拍摄到她搬到郑伊健于西贡匡湖居的寓所,共赋同居的甜蜜生活,连日来蒙嘉慧不但以休闲装束于伊健家招呼亲友,更温馨的见了伊健父母,情到浓时两人更会互相亲嘴,非常甜蜜.
3. 摇摇:若以LID和LD药效关系来分类,又可分为峰值(Peak-dose)异动症,双程(Diphasic)异动症,关期(Off state)异动症,开期(On staste)异动症,和摇摇(Yo yo)异动症等.
4. 约约:snowman 雪人 | yo-yo 约约 | diabolo 空竹
1. yo-yo的意思
1. 溜溜球,悠悠球(圆形玩具,抖动细绳时能上下移动)
A yo-yo is a toy made of a round piece of wood or plastic attached to a piece of string. You play with the yo-yo by letting it rise and fall on the string.
1. a toy consisting of a spool that is reeled up and down on a string by motions of the hand