
yen [jen]  [jɛn] 

yen 基本解释

名词日元; 渴望,热望


yen 相关例句



1. He has a yen to be alone in a boat.

yen 网络解释

1. 日元:3) 日元(yen)急升,对日本出口股不利,hedge funds断了水源去推升亚洲股票3) 日元(yen)急升,对日本出口股不利,hedge funds断了水源去推升亚洲股票

2. 圆:日本的卡拉OK是以利用通信网路的通信卡拉OK为主. 有日本最受欢迎的曲子,台湾的曲子. 在卡拉OK包厢的卡拉OK店,客人依各自的团体可以在不同的房间享受唱歌. 可以点饮料、料理等. 并以时间来计算多少费用. 饮食费除外,一个人平均一小时500圆(yen)到1000(yen)可以享受乐趣.

3. 円:在大扳心斋桥购物街,就有家100円(Yen)的专卖店,有四层楼,一层是食品,二楼是化妆品,三楼好象是家庭用品,四楼好象是文具,但不是全部商品都是100円的,所以眼睛还是要争大点.想淘宝,还是有的.

yen 词典解释

1. 日元(日本货币单位)
    The yen is the unit of currency used in Japan.

    e.g. She's got a part-time job for which she earns 2,000 yen a month.

2. 渴望;强烈的欲望;热望
    If you have a yen to do something, you have a strong desire to do it.

    e.g. Mike had a yen to try cycling...
    e.g. He's a natural with any kind of engine but he has an unfortunate yen for speed.

yen 单语例句

1. yen的解释

1. Earlier this month it forecast a net loss of 17 billion yen for the current business year to March.

2. A Japanese investor who held dollar equities or real estate could instead have offset the exchange rate loss by buying yen futures.

3. Canon forecast the US currency will average 100 yen and the euro 135 yen in the fourth quarter.


4. According to a source from the movie's production company, it was Yen himself who requested to act alongside Carina Lau in the movie.

5. Carry trades further weaken the yen as traders sell off the currency.

6. The yen and US dollar pressed higher as investors pulled cash away from emerging markets and riskier assets.

7. yen的意思

7. It said the economy is slowly picking up from March's disaster with businesses exercising caution because of the yen's appreciation and the European debt crisis.

8. yen

8. Deputy Prime Minister Naoto Kan said that the central bank's Dec 1 credit easing had a " considerable impact " on weakening the yen.

9. Based on Monday's central parity rate, the yuan weakened against the euro but strengthened against the Japanese yen.

10. Switzerland's central bank took steps Wednesday to curb the value of the franc, while the Japanese did the same for the yen on Thursday.

yen 英英释义



1. a yearning for something or to do something

    Synonym: hankering

2. yen在线翻译

2. the basic unit of money in Japan
    equal to 100 sen


1. have a desire for something or someone who is not present

    e.g. She ached for a cigarette
           I am pining for my lover

    Synonym: ache yearn pine languish
