
xi [saɪ]  [saɪ] 

xi 基本解释
xi 网络解释

1. 潝:当时世界上有五个大国,分别是:月泪国、风駺(lang)国、雪鹥(yi)国、雨跞(li)国和雾潝(xi)国. 其中以月泪国的国土面积最大,占地四千四百万平方千里,相当于现在亚洲的面积. 兵力强,士兵个个都英勇善战,最重要的是人民都爱好和平.

2. 咥:41、遂:顺从,或说久 42、咥(Xi):大笑貌 43、躬:自身 44、及尔:同你,表示希望同他白头偕老的愿望 45、隰(Xi):低湿的地方,一说指漯河 46、泮(Pan):畔,边沿 47、总角:古代称小孩头发扎成形似牛角的两个结,此指未成年.

3. xi:xylose isomerase; 以细菌木糖异构酶

4. xi:xianwu; 席先武

5. xi:xitexitinformationtable; 退出信息表

6. xi:xircom inc; 迅捷通信公司(美国,出品PC卡,无线局域网设备等)

xi 单语例句

1. xi

1. A sales manager at the center surnamed Xi said business always booms before and during the holidays.

2. Xi called on Party members to be fully aware of the basic reality is that China is still in the primary stage of socialism.

3. xi的翻译

3. Xi called for implementation of instructions by President Hu Jintao on the development of the Party.

4. Vice President Xi Jinping also attended the seminar, calling upon Party organizations and Party members to learn from the Party's best members.

5. xi的解释

5. A tangible buzz courses through the Hua Xi cancer hospice when the newest " doctors " make their rounds.

6. Xi urged the two sides to treat each other candidly and to enhance dialogue and communication.

7. Xi called on the two countries to work together on reducing carbon dioxide emissions and actively cope with the climate change for sustainable development.

8. xi什么意思

8. The Baishui Valley Xi Family Cultural Tourism Festival will include six thematic activities to cater for people with different interests.

9. Shanghai Party chief Xi Jinping lit a cauldron allowing the fire to be spread across more torches for the city run to take place.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. To highlight the draw ceremony, an exhibition match between a World XI and China was held on Saturday night.

xi 英英释义



1. the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet


1. being one more than ten

    Synonym: eleven 11
