1. And yet you are sure, as I am sure, that were the world confined to these hard-headed, hard-hearted, and hard-fisted methods exclusively, were there no one prompt to help a brother first, and find out afterwards whether he were worthy; no one willing to drown his private wrongs in pity for the wronger`s person; no one ready to be duped many a time rather than live always on suspicion; no one glad to treat individuals passionately and impulsively rather than by general rules of prudence; the world would be an infinitely worse place than it is now to live in.
2. Time is a few wronger, I also may be to lie smooth among them.
3. But it turns out that mining companies were simply wronger for longer – the five-year commodity boom was just another asset price bubble after all.
4. Something seems wrong, and over time, it feels wronger and wronger.