流利地写下; 损失掉; 毁掉; 结束掉
1. 注销:银行应该不能追讨. 就算要追讨,胜算也很渺茫. 死后当作遗产了分配,银行就能够追讨. 因为遗产分配必须要net off所有的债务,剩下的才能分配. 如果完全没有办法收回钱,那个债务就是烂帐,先做provision. . 之后就要注销(write off)
2. 减记:由于花旗集团和美林在第二季减记(Write Off)更多资产,加大市场对金融业及信货市场的忧虑情绪,而且油价再创历史新高,亦令上市公司的盈利前景受到资疑, 上周美股亦因此而出现大幅的可跌.市场风险意识亦随之提高,
3. 核销:变动导致增加 本年计提 本年转回(reverse) 本年转出 本年核销(write off) 2007年12月30日 合并 母公司 合并 母公司 合并 母公司 合并 母公司 合并 母公司 合并 母公司 合并 母公司 合并 母公司 合并 母公司 一、坏账准备合计 3,
4. 撇账:正是由于加拿大的银行不能完全走向世界,所以在1997年的亚洲金融风暴,2002年的高科技风暴,以及2007年的次按风暴中,加拿大的银行撇账(write off)数目都不是很大,没有伤筋动骨.
1. (向公司或机构)去函,发信
If you write off to a company or organization, you send them a letter, usually asking for something.
e.g. He wrote off to the New Zealand Government for these pamphlets about life in New Zealand.
2. 勾销,注销(债务或已花费的款项)
If someone writes off a debt or an amount of money that has been spent on a project, they accept that they are never going to get the money back.
e.g. The president persuaded the West to write off Polish debts...
e.g. He had long since written off the money.
3. 认定…不重要(或无用);忽视
If you write someone or something off, you decide that they are unimportant or useless and that they are not worth further serious attention.
e.g. He is fed up with people writing him off because of his age...
e.g. His critics write him off as too cautious to succeed...
4. (发生撞车后)将(车辆)报废
If someone writes off a vehicle, they have a crash in it and it is so badly damaged that it is not worth repairing.
e.g. John's written off four cars. Now he sticks to public transport...
e.g. One of Pete's friends wrote his car off there.
5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
5. 取消(计划或项目)
If you write off a plan or project, you accept that it is not going to be successful and do not continue with it.
e.g. We decided to write off the rest of the day and go shopping...
e.g. The prices were much higher. So we decided to write that off...
6. see also: write-off
1. write off的意思
1. The best policy is for banks to write off losses early and replenish their capital.
2. It was made possible by a significant concession by the White House when it agreed the debt write off would not jeopardize future aid funding.
3. Logo Bar may not be much now, but don't write it off yet.
4. write off
4. The authorities should review the existing fees and taxes and write off or suspend those that overlap the car exhaust tax.
5. Polling day passed without major violence, prompting American commanders and Afghan politicians to write off the Taliban as a fading force.
6. Creditors " take a haircut " when they write off part of their debt.
7. write off在线翻译
7. President Hu promised to reduce or write off debts owed by African countries, and asked the international community to honor promises to developing nations.
8. The final victims are invariably the limited partners of these foreign funds, who have to write off the investment losses.
9. However the club was not ready to write him off just yet, especially as he had started finding the back of the net.
10. " It is logically wrong to write off a truth based on an individual's feeling, " Yang told China Daily.
1. reduce the estimated value of something
e.g. For tax purposes you can write off the laser printer
Synonym: expense write down
2. concede the loss or worthlessness of something or somebody
e.g. write it off as a loss
3. write something fluently, and without hesitation
4. cancel (a debt)