
wrist [rɪst]  [rɪst] 



wrist 基本解释

名词腕关节; 腕,手腕; (衣袖等的)腕部

wrist 相关例句



1. She grabbed her husband by the wrist and dragged him away.

2. That was all wrist.

wrist 网络解释

1. 腕:2)前臂 (forearm) 相对,腕(wrist),手掌(palm)和手指的姿势,这里的重点是打坐时手的部位尽量保持在最自然(most natural and relax)的状态中. 例如我们站著时,整个手臂最自然的状态是双臂和手都垂下,掌心自然是向内对著自己的双腿而大拇指和四指成平面,

2. 手腕:当你走进他们的村寨时,便会有一位老太太或年轻姑娘,口中念念有词地把一缕浸过香水的白线(white line)拴(tie)在你的手腕(wrist)上,以示对你最真挚的欢迎.

3. 腕部:3,痛风(gout):关节液中蓄积尿酸晶体(uric acid crystals),多见于大脚趾(big toe),踝骨(ankle),膝部(knee),少见于腕部(wrist),肘部(elbow)突发性的灼痛,僵直和肿胀.

4. 腕关节:Clavicle(锁骨)是一个关节,它是上臂的原点,同样肘关节(elbow joint)是前臂的原点,腕关节(wrist)是手指骨骼的原点. 关节既决定了骨骼空间的位置,又是骨骼空间的旋转和缩放中心. 为什么用一个4X4矩阵就可以表达一个骨骼,

wrist 词典解释

1. 腕;手腕
    Your wrist is the part of your body between your hand and your arm which bends when you move your hand.

wrist 单语例句

1. Yi was sidelined for six games last month by a right wrist sprain and a left ankle sprain.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The Spaniard missed five months last year with chicken pox and wrist and rib injuries and fell in the rankings.

3. The victim's roommate rushed him to a hospital, where doctors found a closed spiral fracture in his left wrist.

4. wrist在线翻译

4. Spears had a meltdown weekend that included shaving her head, tattooing her wrist and clubbing with friends.

5. Bracelets usually come in strands, wrapping around the wrist like a cuff.

6. Fans were all wearing red scarves and arrived with happy birthday wrist bands and commemorative'Susan Boyle'buttons they had made.

7. The constable said he fell into a nearby gutter injuring a finger on his left hand and one on his right wrist.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. Croatia eliminated the United States in the first round in 2003, with Roddick unable to play because of a wrist injury.

9. Position the mouse within easy reach, so it can be used with the wrist straight.

10. Tour doctors later confirmed that he had broken his right leg near the hip and also sustained wrist and elbow fractures.

wrist 英英释义



1. a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones

    Synonym: carpus wrist joint radiocarpal joint articulatio radiocarpea
