
wrestle [ˈresl]  [ˈrɛsəl] 






wrestle 基本解释


及物/不及物动词(与某人)搏斗; (与…)摔跤; 斟酌

名词摔跤; 斗争

wrestle 相关例句



1. John would wrestle Gary for the prize.

2. He wrestled an alligator.


1. The minister wrestled over the wording of the communique.

2. He wrestled with his classmate.

3. John wrestled with the robbers.


1. A fishbone got stuck in his throat, and after a long wrestle, he managed to swallow it down.

wrestle 网络解释

1. 筋肉人摔角:054 Ice Climber 敲冰块 | 055 Wrestle 筋肉人摔角 | 056 Nuts And Milk 牛奶与花生

2. 摔角:wrest 扭 | wrestle 摔角 | wrestling 摔角

3. 打架:couch 床,沙发 | wrestle 打架 | fight 吵架

wrestle 词典解释

1. 试图解决;绞尽脑汁处理
    When you wrestle with a difficult problem, you try to deal with it.

    e.g. Delegates wrestled with the problems of violence and sanctions...
    e.g. We're wrestling with a recession...

2. wrestle的翻译

2. 摔跤;扭斗
    If you wrestle with someone, you fight them by forcing them into painful positions or throwing them to the ground, rather than by hitting them. Some people wrestle as a sport.

    e.g. They taught me to wrestle...
    e.g. The bridesmaids and pageboys squealed and wrestled with each other in the garden.

3. 使劲搬动;用力移动
    If you wrestle a person or thing somewhere, you move them there using a lot of force, for example by twisting a part of someone's body into a painful position.

    e.g. We had to physically wrestle the child from the man's arms...
    e.g. The stationmaster pounced and wrestled the gun from him...

4. see also: wrestling

wrestle 单语例句

1. But action in the Senate has been delayed as lawmakers wrestle with overhauling the health care system.

2. wrestle什么意思

2. It's a much better time for letting your subconscious mind wrestle with it all than for wandering away and pretending it's all good.

3. Any Neanderthal woman could have beaten former bodybuilder and current California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in an arm wrestle.

4. Anelka was appealing the red card issued after he scored a late goal, then tried to wrestle the ball out of the hands of Cole.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. Portugal's bankers have warned they won't be able to keep buying national debt as they wrestle with their own liquidity problems.

6. wrestle什么意思

6. " The Good Wife " had to be really good to wrestle a spot.

7. A wrist wrestle between a woman Chinese soldier and a Russian soldier makes a stir at the camp.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. The answers are not obvious, but they are questions Congress and the presidential candidates are refusing to wrestle with.

9. wrestle在线翻译

9. And she is looking to wrestle away women and independent voters from the Democrats.

10. Pleasant Goat grabbed the woman's camera and attempted to wrestle it from her grasp.

wrestle 英英释义



1. the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat

    e.g. they had a fierce wrestle
           we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully

    Synonym: wrestling grapple grappling hand-to-hand struggle


1. wrestle的翻译

1. engage in deep thought, consideration, or debate

    e.g. I wrestled with this decision for years

2. combat to overcome an opposing tendency or force

    e.g. He wrestled all his life with his feeling of inferiority

3. engage in a wrestling match

    e.g. The children wrestled in the garden

4. to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling)

    e.g. The prisoner writhed in discomfort
           The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace

    Synonym: writhe wriggle worm squirm twist
