
wrath [rɒθ]  [ræθ] 

wrath 基本解释


名词愤怒; 激怒

wrath 相关例句


1. She calls down God's wrath on him.

2. The wrath of summer's heat has enveloped the valley.

3. His wrath got out of hand.

4. They feared his wrath.

wrath 网络解释

1. 愤怒:即日起将会通过各种途径为易游2007用户直接快速更新. 实现全网吧更新仅需数秒,让广大易游客户第一时间体验最新的技术与产品. 色欲(Lust) 贪食(Gluttony) 贪婪(Greed) 懒惰(Sloth) 愤怒(Wrath) 妒忌(Envy) 傲慢(Pride)

2. 暴怒:--傲慢 (Pride) 暴怒(Wrath) 懒惰(Sloth) 贪婪(Greed) 嫉妒(Envy) 饕餮(Gluttony) 淫欲(Lust) 被基督教认为是遭永劫的七种大罪,Seven在宗教上是个神秘的数字,上帝用七天造亚当,取出亚当的第七根肋骨造了夏娃,

3. 诛(伏):127.power 怀(摄) | 128.wrath 诛(伏) | 129.Sakya 萨迦

wrath 词典解释

1. 同 anger
    Wrath means the same as anger .

    e.g. He incurred the wrath of the authorities in speaking out against government injustices.

wrath 单语例句

1. The case has stirred up wrath on the Internet, where netizens blasted him over his cowardice.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. And if they fail in their duties to please him, they must face the wrath of the Lady Dowager.

3. Novels like " The Grapes of Wrath " and " East of Eden " remain big sellers.

4. Lee could earn yet more wrath if he goes to the Yasukuni Shrine, which many in Asia see as a symbol of Japan's wartime militarism.

5. In the meantime, accounts trickle in of how pets and their owners escaped the wrath of the storm.

6. Yet we found ourselves close to one another like never before in the face of nature's wrath.

7. Sarkozy's government has backed down from at least two reforms planned in education, opting not to incur students'wrath.

8. Hundreds of people have been stabbed by hypodermic syringes or needles in Urumqi, triggering public angst and wrath.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. Every swimmer felt the wrath of the jellyfish, which showed up during training but were really out in force for the race.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. He said that he was given to venting his wrath on the Shanghainese just because of his initial misfortune.

wrath 英英释义


1. wrath什么意思

1. belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins)

    Synonym: anger ire ira

2. intense anger (usually on an epic scale)
