would you mind

would you mind [wud ju: maind]  [wʊd ju maɪnd] 

would you mind 基本解释
would you mind 网络解释

1. 你们不介意吧:Oh, I'm glad that's over. 噢 我真高兴终於结束了. | Would you mind? 你们不介意吧 | Oh, not at all. 噢 一点也不.

2. 你介意....吗:Excuse me.|抱歉 | Would you mind?|你介意吗? | -Sorry, sir. -Let's not make a bad day worse.|- 抱歉, 长官 - 有更糟的消息

3. 能不能:I can't decide if I like it.|还不知道好不好 | Would you mind?|能不能...? | It smells a little like desperation.|闻起来有点绝望的味道

4. 请你出去一下:I'm sorry, I have an audition. 对不起,我明天要试演. | Would you mind? 请你出去一下 | Look, I dn't need this job. I can work whereever I want. 听着,我不需要这工作. 我想做啥都行

would you mind 单语例句

1. Who in his right mind would oppose the teaching of the quintessence of Chinese civilization, you might ask?

2. would you mind

2. If a topic is hot or controversial, you would get so many different interpretations that will set your mind in a spin.
