
worsen [ˈwɜ:sn]  [ˈwɜ:rsn] 







worsen 基本解释

及物/不及物动词(使)变得更坏,(使)恶化; 恶化,更坏

worsen 相关例句


1. Heavy storms worsened the fuel shortage.

worsen 网络解释


1. 恶化:它可以是慢性的(chronic)、复发的(relapsing)或者缓解的(remitting). 它可以恶化(worsen)或者逐步改善(become better或者convalesce). ...

2. 变得更坏:worse 较坏者 | worsen 变得更坏 | worship a lie 盲目崇拜

3. 变化,恶化:lengthen 加长,延长 | worsen 变化,恶化 | enlighten 启发,教化

4. 强制推行加剧:强占拆毁 Seize and demolish | 强制推行加剧 Step up, aggravate, intensify, worsen | 强制性征地 Mandatory takings

worsen 词典解释

1. worsen什么意思

1. (使)变得更坏(或更糟);(使)恶化
    If a bad situation worsens or if something worsens it, it becomes more difficult, unpleasant, or unacceptable.

    e.g. The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening...
    e.g. These options would actually worsen the economy and add to the deficit...

This latest incident is bound to lead to a further worsening of relations between the two countries.
worsen 单语例句

1. worsen

1. The possibility of social instability is becoming real as the housing and related land issues worsen by the day.

2. He urged the DPRK to stop taking any action that may worsen the current situation.

3. worsen

3. Niu predicted that China's environmental problems would worsen in the short term but could taper off once the GDP per capita found its equilibrium.

4. " If Thailand sets up an rice cartel and fixes a price, that will make matters worse and worsen food security ".

5. However, some warned Saddam's death could worsen the violence and civil strife in Iraq.

6. Debt troubles often come to the fore when general economic conditions worsen, as the recent histories of many Western countries have shown.

7. worsen什么意思

7. The coming cold may worsen the severe sea ice along China's eastern and northern coastal line.

8. worsen的反义词

8. Construction work plus the poor discipline of some drivers will worsen it.

9. Although our consumption of energy and resources continued to surge, environmental conditions did not worsen much.

10. worsen

10. It should also realize China's military modernization is inevitable and that blockades, sanctions or containment would only further worsen military ties with the country.

worsen 英英释义



1. worsen的解释

1. grow worse

    e.g. Conditions in the slum worsened

    Synonym: decline

2. make worse

    e.g. This drug aggravates the pain

    Synonym: aggravate exacerbate exasperate
