
worried [ˈwʌrid]  [ˈwɜ:rid] 







worried 基本解释

形容词担心的; 困恼的,为难的

动词担心( worry的过去式和过去分词)

worried 同义词




worried 反义词

形容词calm easy unconcerned undisturbed

worried 相关例句


1. People are becoming increasingly worried about pollution.

worried 情景对话


A:When can you effect shipment? I'm terribly worried about late shipment.

B:We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest.

A:That's fine.


A:Let’s see if we can reach some sort of agreement over your curfew.

B:Okay. Everyone else’s parents let them stay out until two or three in the morning.
      好吧,别人的父母都让他们玩到凌晨2 点或3 点。

A:Well. I’m not everyone else’s father. I think you need to be in the house by ten o’clock.
      是吗,可我不是别人的父亲。我认为你10 点钟必须回到家里。

B:That’s absurd. I know some junior high kids who can stay out later than that.
      那太荒谬了。我认识一些初中生,他们都可以10 点以后回家。

A:I’ll be worried if you stay out late.

B:Okay, how about a midnight curfew? And I’ll let you know where I am.
      好吧,12 点怎么样?更何况我会让你知道我在什么地方的。

A:That sounds reasonable.


A:Do you think appearances are important?

B:If you’re superficial, appearances can be important.

A:Don’t you think everyone is a bit superficial?

B:I guess maybe a little. But in the end, it’s someone’s personality that’s important. Why do you ask?

A:I have a job interview tomorrow. I’m worried that someone more attractive than me will get the job.

B:You can’t be serious.

A:I’ve read many articles about how attractive people get higher salaries than ugly people.

B:You can’t believe everything you read.

A:I know, but I think it’s accurate to say that people like attractive people.

B:I guess that may be true sometimes, but I know that’s not always the case.

A:Why’s that?

B:Well, I’m not particularly handsome, and I’ve got a great job!

worried 网络解释

1. 担心:2 A 常识运用逻辑推理前后照应 根据下文第二段可以看出银行的经理看到我迟到自然是不高兴(not pleased)的,经理当然用不着道歉(sorry),担心(worried)和耐心(patient).

2. 闷闷不乐的:Clay 找不到配套而闷闷不乐的(worried)和扰乱(disturbed),听到Paul 的话,她虽然满意(satisfied),但更多的是惊讶(astonished),因为她得走两周. 后文的but有所暗示. 12. C 词义比较. 逻辑推理. 她不是给提建议(advise),

3. 表示害怕或担心:表示怨恨或生气:hate, hatred, angry, anger, initiated | 表示害怕或担心:fearful, frightened, worried, nervous | 表示批评或讽刺:critical, criticize, ironic,find fault with

4. 担心的:working 工作中 | worried 担心的 | 编录:admin

worried 词典解释

1. 担心的;发愁的;焦虑的
    When you are worried, you are unhappy because you keep thinking about problems that you have or about unpleasant things that might happen in the future.

    e.g. He seemed very worried...
    e.g. If you're at all worried about his progress, do discuss it with one of his teachers...

'You don't have to go, you know,' she said worriedly.
Take care not to confuse worried and worrying.
注意不要混淆 worried 和 worrying。
worried 单语例句

1. Investors worried the rise in oil would force consumers to forgo spending on discretionary items, squeezing business profits.

2. Sun says he is worried about business next year, when his contracts with wholesalers expire.

3. A clandestine video porn shop was busted after a worried mother recently busted her young son watching a dirty movie.

4. After the recent milk formula scandal, many mothers are worried about it and feel safer buying imported goods.

5. She was really worried that Sam wasn't bothered by the fact that his wife was making out with another guy right in front of her.

6. Worried cabin crew alerted airport medics who grounded the woman as unfit to fly, reports the Chinese Business View.

7. worried的反义词

7. Others worried that the network would expand to many different types of people, and could lose its campus feel.

8. But many worried the corporate income tax law that took effect this year may hinder the influx of foreign capital.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. Earthquakes also worried the expert although the city is not located in a very active earthquake zone.

10. The researchers recommend that people worried about water contaminants drink tap water with a carbon filter.

worried 英英释义



1. mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc

    e.g. apprehensive about her job
           not used to a city and worried about small things
           felt apprehensive about the consequences

    Synonym: apprehensive

2. afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief

    e.g. too upset to say anything
           spent many disquieted moments
           distressed about her son's leaving home
           lapsed into disturbed sleep
           worried parents
           a worried frown
           one last worried check of the sleeping children

    Synonym: disquieted distressed disturbed upset
