world war two

world war two [wɜː(r)ld wɔ: tu:]  [wɜrld wɔr tu] 

world war two 基本解释


world war two 网络解释

world war two的翻译

1. 第二次世界大战:关键词:中国研究(China Studies),第二次世界大战(World War Two),冷战(Cold War),传教士(Missionary) 序言 美国和西方对中国的兴趣经久不衰,不少大学都有以中国研究为主的东亚研究中心和专业.

2. 二战:例如在他十几岁时拍摄的电影<二战>(world war two)中, 为了模拟枪枝射击,他在赛璐珞胶片上打上小孔,这样放映时就会有枪支开火的效果. 杰克逊迈向更严肃的电影制作的第一步是参与一个地方上的电影比赛,该项比赛旨在激励业余爱好者和儿童们的电影制作.

world war two 单语例句

1. Critics argued it was tasteless to display a replica of the man who unleashed World War Two and ordered the extermination of Europe's Jews.


2. But a recent spat over German claims over property seized in World War Two has exposed undercurrent distrust and sensitivities on both sides.

3. world war two的翻译

3. The economic recovery after World War Two saved what was left of his media organization.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. He says the world's two economic leaders are too interdependent to risk a trade war.

5. world war two的翻译

5. Abe paid his respects there last August 15, the emotive anniversary of Japan's surrender in World War Two.

6. What they do not realize is that the end of the Cold War made peace and development the two key words for the world.

7. It was England's best first day score since World War II surpassing the 406 for two they made against Pakistan in 1962 at The Oval.

8. While the Japanese troops do not take part in operations to maintain security, the deployment is Japan's first significant overseas military mission since World War Two.

9. world war two

9. The first athletics meeting in Britain after World War Two was also held there.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The city that can trace its origins to 1150 was devastated in World War Two by Allied bombing that destroyed 85 percent of its buildings.
